[darcs-devel] [darcs #57] Bug report: Fail: _darcs/patches/unrevert: removeFile: does not exist (No such file or directory) (zooko@zooko.com - 20041109165021)

zooko at zooko.com via RT bugs at darcs.net
Tue Nov 9 08:50:34 PST 2004

Tue Nov 09 11:50:32 2004: New ticket: 57.
Transaction: Ticket created by zooko at zooko.com
       Queue: Darcs
     Subject: Bug report: Fail: _darcs/patches/unrevert: removeFile: does not exist (No such file or directory) (zooko at zooko.com - 20041109165021)
       Owner: Nobody
  Requestors: zooko at zooko.com
      Status: new
 Ticket <URL: http://bugs.darcs.net/.//Ticket/Display.html?id=57 >

Fail: _darcs/patches/unrevert: removeFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)

This is with darcs 1.0.0..



HACK pion:~/playground/shtoom/zookobranch$ rm ~/screenlog.2 darcs revert
move ./Shtoom/sandbox/anthony/extractRTPpayload.py ./Shtoom/sandbox/extractRTPpayload.py
Shall I revert this patch? (1/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] y
move ./Shtoom/sandbox/anthony/mix.pyx ./Shtoom/sandbox/mix.pyx
Shall I revert this patch? (2/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] y
move ./Shtoom/sandbox/anthony/mixtest.py ./Shtoom/sandbox/mixtest.py
Shall I revert this patch? (3/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] y
move ./Shtoom/sandbox/anthony/ratecvt.py ./Shtoom/sandbox/ratecvt.py
Shall I revert this patch? (4/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] y
move ./Shtoom/sandbox/anthony/sunau.py ./Shtoom/sandbox/sunau.py
Shall I revert this patch? (5/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] y
move ./Shtoom/sandbox/anthony/wxtimertest.py ./Shtoom/sandbox/wxtimertest.py
Shall I revert this patch? (6/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] y
move ./Shtoom/sandbox/aufile.py ./Shtoom/trunk/shtoom/shtoom/audio/aufile.py
Shall I revert this patch? (7/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] y
move ./Shtoom/sandbox/wave.py ./Shtoom/trunk/shtoom/shtoom/audio/wave.py
Shall I revert this patch? (13/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] n
move ./Shtoom/trunk/shtoom/shtoom/audio/wave.py ./Shtoom/sandbox/anthony/wave.py
Shall I revert this patch? (16/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] y
hunk ./Shtoom/sandbox/coreaudioloopback.py 1
-import thread
-## Have to initialize the threading mechanisms in order for PyGIL_Ensure to work
-from twisted.python import threadable
-thread.start_new_thread(lambda: None, ())
-from math import sin, sqrt
-from numarray import multiply, add, Int16, zeros
-import sys, traceback, audioop
-from time import time
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-def RMS(a):
-    multiply(a, a, a)
-    ms = add.reduce(a)/len(a)
-    rms = sqrt(ms)
-    return rms
-class AudioProducer(object):
-    offset = 0
-    prevtime = 0
-    tostate = None
-    fromstate = None
-    # Data from the "network", waiting to be fed to the audio device
-    _inbuffer = ''
-    # Data from the audio device, waiting to be fed to the network
-    _outbuffer = ''
-    SCALE = 32768/2
-    def from44KStereo(self, buffer):
-        b, self.tostate = audioop.ratecv(buffer, 2, 2, 44100, 8000, self.tostate)
-        b = audioop.tomono(b, 2, 1, 1)
-        return b
-    def toPCMString(self, buffer):
-        b = buffer * self.SCALE - self.SCALE/2
-        b = b.astype(Int16)
-        # Damn. Endianness?
-        b = b.tostring()
-        return b
-    def to44KStereo(self, buffer):
-        b = audioop.tostereo(buffer, 2, 1, 1)
-        b, self.fromstate = audioop.ratecv(b, 2, 2, 8000, 44100, self.fromstate)
-        return b
-    def fromPCMString(self, buffer):
-        from numarray import fromstring, Int16, Float32
-        print "buffer", len(buffer)
-        b = fromstring(buffer, Int16)
-        b = b.astype(Float32)
-        b = ( b + 32768/2 ) / self.SCALE
-        return b
-    def maybeLoopback(self):
-        if len(self._outbuffer) > 200:
-            buf, self._outbuffer = self._outbuffer[:200], self._outbuffer[200:]
-            buf = self.to44KStereo(buf)
-            self._inbuffer = self._inbuffer + buf
-    def storeSamples(self, samples):
-        "Takes an array of 512 32bit float samples, stores as 8KHz 16bit ints"
-        std = self.toPCMString(samples)
-        std = self.from44KStereo(std)
-        self._outbuffer = self._outbuffer + std
-        self.maybeLoopback()
-    def getSamples(self):
-        "Returns an array of 512 32 bit samples"
-        if len(self._inbuffer) < 2048:
-            return None
-        else:
-            res, self._inbuffer = self._inbuffer[:2048], self._inbuffer[2048:]
-            res = self.fromPCMString(res)
-            return res
-    def callback(self, buffer):
-        if self.offset % 100 == 0:
-            now = time()
-            print len(buffer), now-self.prevtime
-            self.prevtime = now
-        self.offset += 1
-        try:
-            self.storeSamples(buffer)
-            out = self.getSamples()
-            if out is None:
-                buffer[:] = zeros(1024)
-                return
-            else:
-                buffer[:] = out
-                return
-        except:
-            e,v,t = sys.exc_info()
-            print e, v
-            traceback.print_tb(t)
-        return
-        for frame in xrange(512):
-            v = 0.5 * sin(3.1415*440.0/44100.0*(frame+(512*self.offset)))
-            # Stereo
-            buffer[2*frame] = v
-            buffer[2*frame+1] = v
-from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
-class AudioConsumer:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.start = time()
-    def go(self):
-        self.lc = LoopingCall(self.loop)
-        self.lc.start(0.5)
-    def loop(self):
-        print "loop"
-        if time() - self.start > 10:
-            self.lc.stop()
-            reactor.stop()
-def main():
-    import time
-    import coreaudio
-    ap = AudioProducer()
-    coreaudio.installAudioCallback(ap)
-    lc = AudioConsumer()
-    reactor.callLater(0, lc.go)
-    reactor.run()
-    print "stopping"
-    coreaudio.stopAudio(ap)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
Shall I revert this patch? (17/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] n
rmfile ./Shtoom/sandbox/coreaudioloopback.py
Shall I revert this patch? (18/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] n
hunk ./Shtoom/trunk/shtoom/doc/BUGS.txt 1
+name: memory leak
+to reproduce: start text shtoom on Mac, initiate a call, hangup, initiate a call, hangup, etc.  Some calls are accepted by peer, others rejected.
+details: After half-a-dozen calls, Shtoom uses 730 MB RAM.
Shall I revert this patch? (19/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] n
hunk ./Shtoom/trunk/shtoom/shtoom/sip.py 28
+# from the pyutil library
+from pyutil.assertutil import _assert, precondition, postcondition
Shall I revert this patch? (20/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] n
hunk ./Shtoom/trunk/shtoom/shtoom/sip.py 370
+        precondition(cookie)
Shall I revert this patch? (21/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] n
hunk ./Shtoom/trunk/shtoom/shtoom/sip.py 406
+        precondition(self.cookie)
Shall I revert this patch? (22/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] n
hunk ./Shtoom/trunk/shtoom/shtoom/sip.py 1072
-            return defer.fail(v)
+            return defer.fail(v) # XYZXYZXYZ this is wrong -- Deferred has no method named "fail()" --Zooko 2004-10-21
Shall I revert this patch? (23/23) [ynWsfqadjk?] n
Do you really want to do this? yes
This operation will not be unrevertable! Proceed? yes

Fail: _darcs/patches/unrevert: removeFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)

HACK pion:~/playground/shtoom/zookobranch$ 

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