[darcs-devel] make check fails on darcs-unstable

Tommy Pettersson ptp at lysator.liu.se
Fri Apr 15 08:39:09 PDT 2005

On Fri, Apr 15, 2005 at 10:02:28AM -0400, David Roundy wrote:
> Running 0_test.sh ...                            FAILED!
> 	Output available as test_output/0_test.sh.out
> 	0_test.sh

Ah, that would probably be the tests/bin/darcs script that is
not executable, happened if --set-script-executable was not
on when that particular patch was applied to the master repo.

It means some of the tests may (actually I know that some
of the perl test scripts do) have tested the wrong darcs,
and that all tests with 'darcs push' have used the wrong
darcs for the apply part.

Since darcs' support for executable permission bits is rather
limited, maybe it would be better (at least easier) if the
harnesses make sure the script is executable when they put
the test bin dir in the path?

Then I propose that outputs from failing shell scripts are
printed by the shell_harness just like outputs from failing
perl tests are.  In this case the test failure mail would then
have included this output from tests/test_output/0_test.sh:

  tests/bin/darcs is not executable

Can some perl person (hi Mark) do this?

Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>

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