[darcs-devel] darcs patch: Fix patch selection for command changes --context

Daniel Bünzli daniel.buenzli at epfl.ch
Thu Nov 17 07:20:39 PST 2005

Thu Nov 17 15:51:12 CET 2005  Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buenzli at epfl.ch>
  * Fix patch selection for command changes --context


Please double check this, I'm really not into darcs' internals (but I really want this feature). At least, the test suite succeeds. I briefly explain what I did.

The patch that added the support for patch selection to --context is 

> darcs changes -p 'context.*--to-patch' -v
Wed Dec 22 21:37:54 CET 2004  Anthony Towns <aj at azure.humbug.org.au>
  * make darcs changes --context support --to-patch, etc

    hunk ./Changes.lhs 210
    -    putDocLn $ changelog opts' $ get_changes_info [] []
    +    putDocLn $ changelog opts' $ get_changes_info opts' []

The patch that broke the functionnality must be that one (i.e. the
latest that touched the lines).

> darcs changes -p 'fix bug #544' -v
Sun Oct  9 13:49:41 CEST 2005  David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>
  * fix bug #544, caused by outputing changes --context with escaping and coloring.

    hunk ./Changes.lhs 25
    -import DarcsArguments ( DarcsFlag(Context, MachineReadable, HumanReadable,
    +import DarcsArguments ( DarcsFlag(Context, MachineReadable,
    hunk ./Changes.lhs 45
    -import Printer ( Doc, putDocLnWith, renderPS, renderString, prefix,
    +import Printer ( Doc, putDocLnWith, simplePrinters, renderPS,
    +                 renderString, prefix,
    hunk ./Changes.lhs 219
    -    putDocLnWith fancyPrinters $ changelog opts' $ get_changes_info opts' []
    -               [head $ slightly_optimize_patchset r]
    -      where opts' = if HumanReadable `elem` opts || XMLOutput `elem` opts
    -                    then opts
    -                    else MachineReadable : opts
    +    putDocLnWith simplePrinters $ changelog [MachineReadable] $
    +                 get_changes_info [MachineReadable] []
    +                 [head $ slightly_optimize_patchset r]

My patches restores the functionnality by just passing 'MachineReadable : opts' to 'changelog' and 'get_changes_info'. I hope its the right way to do it. At least it seems to works here.

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