[darcs-devel] FOSDEM summary

Olivier Thauvin olivier.thauvin at aerov.jussieu.fr
Fri Mar 3 10:26:36 PST 2006

Le Vendredi 03 Mars 2006 18:20, Juliusz Chroboczek a écrit :
> The plan is to put
>   umask 002
>   group darcs-unstable
> somewhere under _darcs/prefs, and have Darcs do the necessary Unix
> magic at withRepoLock time.  It's trivial but tedious (I believe I'll
> have to change all calls to withRepoLock so that it takes the command
> options -- do you see a better way?).

Ah ! Good new, currently I avoid the problem using a post-hook doing a massive 
chgrp -R GROUP
chmod -R g+w

Having this setting in _darcs/prefs is not bad, but why not using same 
permissions than the _darcs directory:

drwxrwxr_x USER GROUP _darcs => darcs try to be as GROUP, create file with 
group write permissions,
drwxr_xr_x USER GROUP _darcs => user only writable.

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