[darcs-devel] Re: darcs patch: Extra boring patterns.

Dave Love fx at domain.invalid
Wed Nov 15 14:09:15 PST 2006

[I'm not subscribed to the list, but I happened to look at it on
gmane.  People reporting bugs or sending patches may not be subscribed
to the bug list, so it's useful to copy them.]

Grant Husbands <darcsdevel at grant.x43.net> writes:

> Dave Love wrote:
>> +                  "(^|/|\\.)core$", "\\.(obj|a|exe|so|lo|la)$",
> It looks like this patch makes *.exe boring.

No, it just rearranges the patterns for commentary's sake.  I think it
should remain.  Actually, I notice that .dll isn't included, but
should be, by analogy with .so.

> I think it's fairly
> common practise for Windows repos to contain binaries for the uncommon
> tools/dlls that are required and I can't think that any other platform
> is particularly interested in *.exe files,

I'd be surprised if the normal case is to put program binaries under
revision control.  I don't think the list should depend on the (host)
platform, but others do use .exe.  You might be doing a build in a
shared directory or be cross-compiling.  [Yes, you should use a
separate build directory, but darcs's build system, for instance,
doesn't let you...]

For what it's worth, CVS documents the following as ignored, though I
don't know what they all are.  (That's probably a good argument for
the annotation.)  I thought the darcs boring list was consistent with
this, but obviously not.

              RCS     SCCS    CVS     CVS.adm
              RCSLOG  cvslog.*
              tags    TAGS
              .make.state     .nse_depinfo
              *~      #*      .#*     ,*      _$*     *$
              *.old   *.bak   *.BAK   *.orig  *.rej   .del-*
              *.a     *.olb   *.o     *.obj   *.so    *.exe
              *.Z     *.elc   *.ln

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