[darcs-devel] darcs patch: Add Cabal files (not feature complete).

Eric Kow eric.kow at loria.fr
Sat Apr 7 03:57:31 PDT 2007

This is another one of those patches that I would be very happy to leave
alone and not include in the unstable repo (I'll give it my usual two
week no-complaints window and stick it in otherwise).

Why Cabalisation?  I'm not too sure.  It does make it easy to
 - express package dependencies (e.g., mtl, parsec, QuickCheck)
 - expose a few modules and create a libdarcs
     In fact, we might consider having two cabal files: one for libdarcs
     and the other for darcs proper; might make the install process a
     bit more complicated, however)

As I mentioned above, I'm really in no hurry to see this becoming part
of darcs.  It's just a way for me to relax.  I can't devote very much
energy to darcs right now, but I was hoping that maybe I could
contribute with something low-intensity, a little bit of idle gardening,
if you will.

Sat Apr  7 12:44:06 CEST 2007  Eric Kow <eric.kow at loria.fr>
  * Add Cabal files (not feature complete).
  This gives you a not-quite-complete Cabalisation of darcs.  It does not
  replace the makefile (yet).  Indeed, with this patch alone, you should
  still consider the makefile as the prefered compilation method.  At present,
  using the Cabal method means:
   runhaskell Setup.lhs configure
   make src/Context.hs
   runhaskell Setup.lhs build
  It would be good if somebody worked out a way to get rid of the make src/Context.hs
  step.  Note also that this version of the cabal file does not support git or

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