[darcs-devel] Adding comments in any place of the line

Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva malebria at riseup.net
Tue Jan 9 04:45:33 PST 2007


I talked to kowey about this on the IRC yesterday, and he suggested me
to talk to other developers.

Reading the code I noticed that lines started with # are treated as
comments in _darcs/prefs/defaults and in other prefs files. This is not
in the documentation, so I think it should be.

My suggestion is to add support for comments when the # are not the
first character on the line. I wrote a small patch that implements it,
and made a few tests (above).

The point of this is that it's nice to be able to comment in the same
lines of not comments:

apply posthook chmod -R a+r * # Run every time a patch is recorded.

nc is something that is not a comment, c is a comment.

*Main> let strings = ["nc \"#nc\" '#nc' \\#nc #c", "nc \\\"#c", "nc \
\'#c", "nc \\\\#c"]
*Main> mapM_ putStrLn strings
nc "#nc" '#nc' \#nc #c
nc \"#c
nc \'#c
nc \\#c
*Main> mapM_ putStrLn $ noncomments strings
nc "#nc" '#nc' \#nc
nc \"
nc \'
nc \\


Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva
Correio (MSN): malebria at riseup.net
Jabber (GTalk): malebria at jabber.org
Telefone: 33346720
Celular: 98116720
  Rua Paula Cândido, 257/201
  Gutierrez 30430-260
  Belo Horizonte/MG Brasil
-------------- next part --------------

New patches:

[Allow comments not only on the beggining of line
malebria at riseup.net**20070108184707] {
hunk ./RepoPrefs.lhs 174
-noncomments ss = filter is_ok ss
-                 where is_ok "" = False
-                       is_ok ('#':_) = False
-                       is_ok _ = True
+noncomments ss = filter (not . null) $ map (nc Nothing) ss
+                 where nc _ "" = ""
+                       nc Nothing ('#':_) = ""
+                       nc Nothing (c:cs)
+                         | elem c ['\\', '"', '\''] = c:nc (Just c) cs
+                         | otherwise = c:nc Nothing cs
+                       nc (Just '\\') (c:cs) = c:nc Nothing cs
+                       nc (Just c') (c:cs)
+                         | c' == c  = c:nc Nothing cs
+                         | otherwise = c:nc (Just c') cs


[Import IO.bracket instead of Control.Exception.bracket in Exec.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at loria.fr>**20070107211935
 This makes darcs work on *nix the same way it did before Simon Marlow's
 runProcess patch for Windows and my conflict-resolution tweaks.
[Import bracketOnError from Workaound instead of Control.Exception.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061225212444
 bracketOnError was introduced in GHC 6.6, whereas we want to support 6.4.1 and
[Fix conflicts and compile errors (Exec runProcess stuff).
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061225212423
 Side A:
   Simon Marlow: Use System.Process on Windows
 Side B:
   Edwin Thomson : Make Exec.lhs not import unneeded Control.Exception functions
     when compiling on Windows.
   Magnus Jonsson : Added rigorous error checking in exec
 Compile errors in question were just import-related issues.
[Add Workaround.bracketOnError (introduced in GHC 6.6).
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061225201830
 This is to compensate for the missing Control.Exception.bracketOnError
 in GHC 6.4.2
[Use System.Process on Windows
Simon Marlow <simonmar at microsoft.com>**20061129160710
 This was an attempt to address "[issue218] Patch bundle failed hash",
 but unfortunately it doesn't fix the problem.  Still, System.Process
 is a better way to invoke external commands these days.
 For now, the new code only replaces the Windows version of exec.  This
 means that GHC 6.4 will be required to build darcs on Windows.  Better
 would be to add a configure test, but I ran out of time here.
[Fix issue376 - inconsistent punctuation in darcs get.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061231180024
[Fix issue367 - pull help message.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061231174322] 
[fix [issue370], darcs ignored args contained in VISUAL variable
Benedikt Schmidt <beschmi at cloaked.de>**20061220110807
 given VISUAL="emacs -nw", darcs would run "emacs file" instead of
 "emacs -nw file"
[Make annotate work on files with spaces in the name
edwin.thomson at businesswebsoftware.com**20061218094210
[fix spelling errors in comments
Benedikt Schmidt <beschmi at cloaked.de>**20061222020037] 
[fix link error with gcc 4.12/glibc 2.4
Benedikt Schmidt <beschmi at cloaked.de>**20061220091436
 errno is a C macro that expands to a function call in
 some versions of glibc, so it can't be treated like
 a CInt there
[Fix includes in External.hs.
Dave Love <fx at gnu.org>**20061218224158
 You can't put comments before {-# INCLUDE ...
[Fix ssh.sh test.
Dave Love <fx at gnu.org>**20061218223442] 
[Prettify exceptions in identifyRepository.
Juliusz Chroboczek <jch at pps.jussieu.fr>**20061218025453] 
[Implement prettyException.
Juliusz Chroboczek <jch at pps.jussieu.fr>**20061218025440] 
[Simplify common libcurl errors.
Juliusz Chroboczek <jch at pps.jussieu.fr>**20061218025419] 
[fix issue369 by failing if quickcheck isn't available
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061218021545] 
[QP-encode bundles when putting to a remote repo.
Juliusz Chroboczek <jch at pps.jussieu.fr>**20061218003034] 
[Don't QP-encode bundles when pushing locally.
Juliusz Chroboczek <jch at pps.jussieu.fr>**20061218002533] 
[Make darcs push QP-encode the bundle before transferring.
Juliusz Chroboczek <jch at pps.jussieu.fr>**20061217234635
 This should hopefully fix issues with scp/sftp corrupting bundles in transit.
[Adapt callers to new calling convention for make_email.
Juliusz Chroboczek <jch at pps.jussieu.fr>**20061217234608
 Use Just at the right places.
[Make arguments to make_email optional.
Juliusz Chroboczek <jch at pps.jussieu.fr>**20061217234501
 Makes contents and filename optional.  If they are omitted, we still
 generate a conforming MIME message.
[add warning about ALL and obliterate --all to documentation
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061219180302] 
[fix pending bug in darcs get --tag.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061217225256
 This patch addresses the bug displayed in Tommy's test:
 Mon Dec 11 20:28:21 CET 2006  Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>
   * add test for get --tag and pending
[add test for get --tag and pending
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061211192821] 
[add new test related to issue262.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061217221041
 This issue seems to already have been fixed.
[fix issue360, with darcs mv foo foo.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061217212340] 
[Separate comment from OPTIONS pragma for GHC 6.4 compatibility.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061217041212
[Resolve conflicts in David's hashed_inventory optimize patches.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at loria.fr>**20061217031027
[Make hashed inventories support optimize and reordering.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061216193913] 
[Canonize Kirsten Chevalier.
Kirsten Chevalier <chevalier at alum.wellesley.edu>**20061217025004
 Added my name to the list of authors who originally only submitted an email
[Documentation only - clarify meaning of --from and --author
Kirsten Chevalier <chevalier at alum.wellesley.edu>**20061217024927
 Clarified the meaning of --from and --author. I had assumed that these
 options also set the From: address on the email sent by "darcs sent".  Of
 course they don't, but it's better to make this clear.
[Added test for reverting an unrecorded add
edwin.thomson at businesswebsoftware.com**20061215180047] 
[fix bug in haskell_policy check for HopefullyPrivate.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061210234453
 Perhaps with this test, we can rename it to CertainlyPrivate?  :)
[don't use HopefullyPrivate outside of Hopefully.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061210231623
 The idea is to hide the Hopefully constructors, so I can hide some more
 information in there, if I like, which should be handy for the hashed
 inventories, and may also come in handy (for similar reasons) with git
[change Maybe Patch to Hopefully Patch.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061210213536
 This rather pervasive change move us to using a new Hopefully type, which
 is similar to Either String for storing patches that may or may not exist.
 This should improve error reporting.  At a minimum it'll making easier to
 improve error reporting.
[resolve conflict in white space.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061210211846] 
[fix pending bug that broke several_commands.sh.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061209223916] 
[add test for reverting removed directory
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061108202344] 
[allow commented tests in tests_to_run.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061211000322] 
[remove link to obsolete mirror of kernel repo.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061212012644] 
[add test that sigPIPE doesn't make darcs fail.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061209230155] 
[make optimize less DarcsRepo-specific.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061209205755] 
[Hard link support on Windows
Simon Marlow <simonmar at microsoft.com>*-20061204162040
 This works only on NTFS filesystems.  Also it requires Windows 2000 or
 later; this may or may not be acceptable, I'll leave that up to the
 darcs maintainers to decide.
[eliminate DarcsRepo.am_in_repo.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061204153128
 This patch is a Good Thing, even though repair and optimize don't yet
 properly support anything bug old-fashioned repositories, because without
 it, when using such repositories, one can find those command operating on a
 different repository than intended (e.g. the test suite runs optimize on
 the darcs repository itself).  Now they'll fail as they ought to, when run
 on a repo format they don't support.
[fix hashed inventory bug in add and prevent it happening again.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061204020823] 
[make get and put reuse initialize code.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061203220833
 This patch actually fixes put to properly accept and use any flags that
 init accepts, which is a Good Thing.  It also ensures that get behaves
 consistently with init in the future.  Also a Good Thing.
[make put work with hashed inventories (and test for this).
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061203211141] 
[make it an error to "put" into a preexisting directory.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061203205826
 This changes darcs' behavior I believe for the better.  Often one could be
 tempted to try to put into a directory, expecting to have the repository
 created as a subdirectory there, and it seems confusing (confused me) to
 have instead the repository contents mingled with whatever was already in
 that directory.  Put should behave like get in this regard, in that it
 shouldn't mix the new repo with a preexisting directory.
[fix new get to not mess up pending (fixes latest hashed_inventory.sh tests).
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061203173722] 
[add some more hashed_inventory.sh tests.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061203173207] 
[fix more incompatible uses of DarcsRepo.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061203064355] 
[make replace work with hashed inventories.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061203055452] 
[Make get_tag test work with hashed inventories.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061203055019] 
[make directory_confusion pass with hashed inventories.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061203035551
 I'm not sure whether there is still a bug in the pending handling here, but
 at least it doesn't crash...
[catch exceptions in stdout_is_a_pipe
Simon Marlow <simonmar at microsoft.com>**20061129160620] 
[hFlush after "waiting for lock" message
Simon Marlow <simonmar at microsoft.com>**20061129160342
 On Windows, stdout isn't always in line-buffered mode, but we really
 want to see the message about waiting for a lock quickly.  Mostly
 because ^C isn't always caught properly on Windows and lock files are
 often left behind, but that's another storey...
[add explicit import list
Simon Marlow <simonmar at microsoft.com>**20061129160144] 
[Improve error messages in push_cmd
chevalier at alum.wellesley.edu**20061207040701
 I ran into this because MSYS was munging my repository directory in a
 horrible way. This resulted in a bad repo directory getting passed into
 darcs, which resulted in a fromJust error, which we all know makes the
 baby Jesus cry. So, I at least refactored the code to give a better
 error message, though there may well be a better solution.
[Hard link support on Windows
Simon Marlow <simonmar at microsoft.com>**20061204162040
 This works only on NTFS filesystems.  Also it requires Windows 2000 or
 later; this may or may not be acceptable, I'll leave that up to the
 darcs maintainers to decide.
[adapt test sametwice to new obliterate --all feature
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061130132058] 
[Adapt test perms.sh to obliterate --all feature.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061209200625] 
[fix for Issue111, obliterate --all
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061129164016
 This is a patch to implement the wishless item Issue111,
 which asks for an --all option to obliterate.  The idea is
 that you might use the --patches flag to select a bunch of
 patches and not want to have to say yess to all of them.
 For good measure, I also added it to unpull and unrecord.
[use impossible to document impossible case in Repair.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061204152854] 
[use variable TEST_FILTER_FILE in makefile.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061204151217] 
[configure should fail if a required module isn't present.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061128024557] 
[Remove raw_mode functions from atomic_create.h.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061008202738
 It seems these were once implemented in compat.c and have since been
 reimplemented in Haskell by Ian Lynagh on 2005-07-30.  These appear to
 just be leftover declarations in the C header.
[resolve conflicts
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061117222757
 between 'clean up unrevert and pending handling'
 and 'ignore failure from hSetBufferin'
[ignore failure from hSetBuffering
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061117221424
 This affects:
   issue41	Doesn't like pasted text.
   issue94	Crash on bogus input
   issue146	hSetBuffering: invalid argument
   issue318	buffering error of darcs record under bash/cmd.exe
 It doesn't necessarily "fix" anything. It prevents darcs from quiting,
 instead continuing with perhaps an undesirable buffering mode, which may or
 may not be better ... or worse.
[Fix curses stuff, especially on Solaris 10.
Dave Love <fx at gnu.org>**20061120171211] 
[TAG 1.0.9rc2
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061116140351] 
[add some changelog entries
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061116135447] 
[Define infodepspatch locally in AmendRecord instead of exporting it from Patch
edwin.thomson at businesswebsoftware.com**20061121093332
[Make libcurl use any http authentication.
Tobias Gruetzmacher <darcs at portfolio16.de>**20061118230406
 This let darcs use repositories protected with digest authentication.
[Redirect stderr to Null when exiting SSH control master.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at loria.fr>**20061118212115
 This suppresses the output
 * Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
   (result of redirecting stdin from /dev/null)
 * Exit request sent.
   (seems to be normal output. Seems also that there is no way to suppress
    this; -q does not do the job, for example)
[Overhaul and improve automation of ssh_test.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061121141802
 * Now quits if you don't supply REMOTE; does not have any
   silly default values
 * Options now passed in through environment variables, so:
     NO_CONTROL_MASTER=1 REMOTE=me at ./ssh_test
 * Performs some automated success checks (which means that
   it should be possible to use this from the harness if you
   have ssh-agent running)
 * Performs darcs send test
 * Does not try to pass darcs-ssh flags (like --disable-ssh-cm)
   to non-ssh-using commands like record
[Rename ssh_test to ssh.sh (for shell harness).
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061121141101
 Note that you must set environment variables for it do anything
 useful (namely REMOTE=you at someserver); something like the following
 should work:
   REMOTE=me at make test
 You need to be using public key authentication to have a fully
 automated test.
[Support darcs send --disable-ssh-cm.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at loria.fr>**20061121134158] 
[Canonize Edwin Thomson.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061118174454] 
[Make Exec.lhs not import unneeded Control.Exception functions when compiling on Windows.
edwin.thomson at businesswebsoftware.com**20061114182952
[Annotate various boring patterns.
Dave Love <fx at gnu.org>**20061113225701] 
[Add make rules for tags files.
Dave Love <fx at gnu.org>**20061113213923] 
[Amending a patch doesn't remove explicit dependencies
edwin.thomson at gmail.com**20061110222837] 
[look for --disable-ssh-cm in defaults files (issue351)
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061117180942] 
[refactor is_malicious_path (for easier reading)
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061113191040] 
[really use new malicious file path check in pull (not in changes)
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061113182628] 
[Add a semi-automated test for SSH-related things.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061110110801
 Testing SSH stuff is tricky in that (1) you need some place to connect
 to and (2) you often want to make sure that the user interactions work
 out right.  But it can't hurt to script away the boring stuff so that
 you are naturally encouraged to test things out more thoroughly.
[Pass -q flag to scp only, not ssh and scp.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061108225137
 Putty's SSH (plink) does not recognise the -q flag.
[remove old malicious_filename check (issue177)
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061110211757] 
[Update FSF address in DarcsCommandsAux.lhs.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at loria.fr>**20061113032907] 
[use new malicious file path check in pull and apply (issue177)
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061110211702] 
[fix latex markup error
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061110205511] 
[add new malicious file path check system
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061110132338
 Adds a new module DarcsCommandsAux for auxiliary functionality common to
 more than one darcs command.
[add function for finding all file names in a patch
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061109144144] 
[Resolve conflict in Resolution.lhs.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at loria.fr>**20061113032236
[External resolution can resolve conflicting adds
edwin.thomson at businesswebsoftware.com**20061106114755] 
[Only copy files needed in external_resolution
edwin.thomson at businesswebsoftware.com**20061106114719] 
[change message in 'darcs check' from "applying" to "checking" (issue147)
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061111154259] 
[add missing space in print_version (issue283)
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061111132808] 
[Extra boring patterns.
Dave Love <fx at gnu.org>**20061109004620] 
[really dump generated darcs.ps in subdir manual/
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061108175122
 Now with working makefile!
[update annotate for hashed inventories
Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com>**20061108033202
 Fixes test suite failure for annotate on a repository with hashed inventory.
[Update FSF address in copyright headers.
Dave Love <fx at gnu.org>**20061104180508] 
[Add COPYING.LIB for fpstring.c.
Dave Love <fx at gnu.org>**20061104180121] 
[Pass email address only for %t in --sendmail-command.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061029112604
 Given an address like Bubba Dupont <bubba at jonescollege.edu>, pass
 bubba at jonescollege.edu to the %t argument.  Msmtp seems to require this
 at least.  Note that the full address (Bubba Dupont etc) is already
 encoded in the message body anyway.
[Refactor sendEmail and sendEmailDoc.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061029105048] 
[Make Send code slightly easier to understand.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061029100316] 
[make darcs.cgi look for both pristine and current
Dan <greenash at yahoo.com>**20061101222005] 
[Don't lock the repo during `query manifest' (issue315).
Dave Love <fx at gnu.org>**20061105125701] 
[Include curses.h with term.h (issue326).
Dave Love <fx at gnu.org>**20061105123851] 
[make Get work with hashed inventory.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20061101150901
 This is inefficient, but it uses only the pre-existing refactored
 functions, so it's the easiest approach.  Later we can write an efficient
 bit of code to do the same thing.
[make darcs check use Repository framework.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060927024514] 
[fix parsing of hashed inventories.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060927024505] 
[put Repository in Show class for debugging ease.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060927021202] 
[add test target for testing hashed inventories.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060927020127] 
[add a bit of hashed inventory code.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060918173904] 
[I fixed up a bit of bad grammars.
Bill Trost <trost at cloud.rain.com>**20061102033207] 
[bumb version to 1.0.9rc2
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061009204226] 
[dump generated darcs.ps in subdir manual/
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061102152516] 
[resolve conflicts
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061102184834
 Merge Unrecord fix for checkpoints inventory with Repository code refactoring.
[remove unrecorded tags from the checkpoint inventory (issue281)
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061031220157
 The commands Check, Get and Repair all can make use of the checkpoint
 inventory. Unrecord, Unpull and Obliterate forgot to remove deleted patches
 from that inventory.
[add test that unrecord of tag removes checkpoint
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061007152648] 
[English and markup fixes.
Dave Love <fx at gnu.org>**20061104153036] 
[add HACKING file
Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com>**20061104214749] 
[Do _not_ allow escaped quotes in `quoted'.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at loria.fr>**20061030064531
 This undoes the patch by Dave Love: Allow escaped quotes in `quoted'.
 The immediate problem is that it breaks make_changelog (because one of
 Tommy's entries matches on a backslash).  This feature might need more
 discussion before we include it (or not).
[Tidy filenames before invoking tar 
Wim Lewis <wiml at hhhh.org>**20061026035535
 Only use the last path component of --dist-name for the distribution
 name; the rest is still used when creating the final tar file. (issue323)
[Add hi-boot and o-boot extensions in default boring file.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20061019071304
 These are automatically generated from hs-boot.
 Suggested by Bulat Ziganshin.
[Replace tabs with spaces (escaped quotes in PatchMatch).
Eric Kow <eric.kow at loria.fr>**20061023192003] 
[Fix some obsolete autoconf stuff.
Dave Love <fx at gnu.org>**20061015155914] 
[Allow escaped quotes in `quoted'.
Dave Love <fx at gnu.org>**20060716193940] 
[TAG 1.0.9rc1
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061008175207] 
[bump version to 1.0.9rc1
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20061008175156] 
[Added --store-in-memory option for diff
edwin.thomson at businesswebsoftware.com**20061006122802
[Move RawMode into DarcsUtils to break cyclic imports on Win32
Josef Svenningsson <josef.svenningsson at gmail.com>**20061004120024] 
[Look for Text.Regex in package regex-compat. Needed for GHC 6.6
Josef Svenningsson <josef.svenningsson at gmail.com>**20061004123158] 
[Added rigorous error checking in exec
Magnus Jonsson <magnus at smartelectronix.com>**20061006222630
 All lowlevel C return values are checked and turned into
 exceptions if they are error codes. In darcs main
 ExecExceptions are caught and turned into error messages
 to help the user.
[Require 'permission denied' test for MacOS X again.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20060930121032
 This removes a workaround that had demoted a pull.pl test to a mere TODO under
 MacOS X. For some reason, under MacOS X, we would occasionally get "Unexpected
 error: 0" instead of "permission denied".  The error was first reported on
 2005-11-06 by Erik Schnetter.  We still don't know why it does this, but now
 test seems to systematically "unexpectedly succeed" under MacOS X 10.4.7.
 Perhaps something in MacOS X that was fixed since the error was reported?
[In procmail examples, don't use a lock file
era+darcs at iki.fi**20060924111522] 
[add some changelog entries
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060930120140] 
[remove duplicate file names in fix_filepaths (fixes issue273)
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060929145335] 
[add test for replace command with duplicated file name
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060929144008] 
[remove some tabs from darcs source
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060929211203] 
[--matches now accepts logical 'and' 'or' '!' in addition to '&&' '||' 'not'.
Pekka Pessi <ppessi at gmail.com>**20060915140406] 
[Canonize Era Eriksson.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at loria.fr>**20060928223224] 
[Move bug reporting code to its own module.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at loria.fr>**20060928222826
 Fixes circular dependency caused by David's unrevert cleanup (which moves
 edit_file to DarcsUtil, thus causing it to depend on Exec) and Tommy's
 exec patches (which add impossible.h to Exec, thus causing it to depend
 on DarcsUtil).
[clean up unrevert and pending handling.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060917214136] 
[Reword paragraph about Procmail's umask handling
era+darcs at iki.fi**20060924114546
 The explanation now helpfully hints that similar tricks may be necessary
 in other mail programs, too
[Wrap .muttrc example so it doesn't bleed into margin in PostScript version
era+darcs at iki.fi**20060924111313] 
["Granting access to a repository": remove odd orphaned? sentence
era+darcs at iki.fi**20060924111142] 
[era's trivial typo fixes
era+darcs at iki.fi**20060924110945
 	* best_practices.tex (subsection{Conflicts}): \emph pro \verb
 	  around emphasized word "only"
 	* DarcsArguments.lhs (intersection_or_union): uppercase "[DEFAULT]";
 	  (disable_ssh_cm docs): remove duplicate "which"
 	* Help.lhs: Missing full stop in description of --extended-help
 	* Mv.lhs (mv_description): Missing apostrophe in "Apple's"
 	* PatchShow.lhs (showHunk): Replace "that the white space must not"
 	  with "that whitespace must not"
[show error messages when starting and stoping the ssh control master
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060916010645] 
[redirect errors to null where exec output is used but failure is not fatal
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060916010116
 Error messages in the output would destroy the result, but if the command
 fails some other action is taken, so error messages shall not be displayed
 to the user.
[redirect errors to stderr where exec output is used
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060916005651
 Error messages would destroy the result if they ended up in the output.
 If the external command fails, darcs should (but does not always) fail.
[redirect errors to stderr where exec is checked and darcs fails
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060916004407
 In these situations the user will get both the error message from the
 failing external command and a message from darcs about what action it
 could not perform.
[simplify helper function stupidexec in copyRemoteCmd
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060915222923] 
[reindent some long lines
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060915222654] 
[update calls to exec and exec_fancy to new interface
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060915222226] 
[fix typo
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060915164446] 
[rewrite Exec.lhs, new exec interface with Redirects
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060911102933
 Make the code structure a bit simpler and easier to understand.
 Only one (fancy) version of exec.
[Fix Windows stderr non-redirection.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20060909055204
 (It was consistently redirecting to stdout.)
 Also make the exec code more readable/transparent.
[whatsnew --look-for-adds doesn't read unadded files (fix for issue79)
Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com>**20060910193803
 The default mode for whatsnew --look-for-adds is summary mode.  In summary
 mode full patches are not needed.  This fix changes whatsnew
 --look-for-adds to stop computing the full patch for a file when the
 file is not managed by darcs.
[Correct canonical email for Kirill Smelkov
Kirill Smelkov <kirr at landau.phys.spbu.ru>**20060912080004] 
[Be explicit about timezone handling (issue220); assume local by default.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20060812102034
 Except for the local timezone in the user interface, this patch is not
 expected to change darcs's behaviour.  It merely makes current practice
 - Assume local timezone when parsing date strings from the user
   interface (previous behaviour was assuming UTC).
 - Assume UTC timezone when parsing date strings from PatchInfo.
   Newer patch date strings do *not* specify the timezone, so it
   would be prudent to treat these as UTC.
 - Disregard timezone information altogether when reading patch
   dates (issue220).  Note that this bug was not caused by assuming local
   timezone, because legacy patch date strings explicitly tell you what
   the timezone to use.  The bug was caused by a patch that fixed
   issue173 by using timezone information correctly.  To preserve
   backwards-compatability, we deliberatly replicate the incorrect
   behaviour of overriding the timezone with UTC.
[Account for timezone offset in cleanDate  (Fixes issue173).
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20060610193049
[move test for tabs from makefile to haskell_policy test
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060730122348] 
[add test for haskell policy
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060730121404] 
[ratify some uses of readFile and hGetContents
Tommy Pettersson <ptp at lysator.liu.se>**20060730121158] 
[Remove direct dependency to mapi32.dll; Improve MAPI compatibility.
Esa Ilari Vuokko <ei at vuokko.info>**20051130000915] 
[Canonize Kirill Smelkov and Anders Hockersten.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20060910052541] 
[Correct 'one one' in web page.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at loria.fr>**20060908191241] 
[Fix merge conflicts.
Juliusz Chroboczek <jch at pps.jussieu.fr>**20060906191317] 
[fix bug in pristine handling when dealing with multiple patches.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060731111404] 
[fix ordering of operations to call pull_first_middles properly.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060730111409] 
[make amend-record.pl test a bit pickier.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060730103854] 
[simplify code a tad in get.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060726121737] 
[fix bug in refactoring of get.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060726121655] 
[refactor Population.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060716034837] 
[add TODO for refactoring get_markedup_file.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060716034339] 
[partial refactoring in annotate.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060716034319] 
[don't use DarcsRepo in list_authors.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060716033450] 
[I've now eliminated need to export DarcsRepo.write_patch.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060716033109] 
[partially refactor Optimize.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060716032934] 
[partial refactoring of Get.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060716031605] 
[refactor amend-record.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060716021003] 
[add TODO to refactor unrevert handling.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060716020247] 
[refactor Unrecord, adding tentativelyRemovePatches.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060716015150] 
[refactor tag.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060716011853] 
[refactor Repository to allow truly atomic updates.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20060716011245] 
[Do not redirect to or from /dev/null when calling ssh.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at loria.fr>**20060903214831
 Redirection of stdin and stdout breaks putty, which uses these to
 interact with the user.  Quiet mode, and redirecting stderr are good
 enough for making ssh silent.
[Exec improvements : Windows redirection, and more redirection control.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20060707054134
 - Implement ability to redirect to /dev/null under Windows
   (eivuokko on #darcs points out that it is NUL under Windows)
 - Add exec_ function, which does the same thing as exec,
   but allows redirection on stderr, and also allows us
   to NOT redirect stdin/stderr
[Ignore .git if _darcs found.
Juliusz Chroboczek <jch at pps.jussieu.fr>**20060831231933] 
[overhaul the darcs.net front page.
Mark Stosberg <mark at summersault.com>**20060820191415
 The themes to this change are:
 - Focus on the key benefits of darcs:
     Distributed. Interactive. Smart.
 - Recognize that the wiki is the central resource,
    and remove some information that is duplicated here
    and reference the wik instead. 
 I can post a demo of this HTML for easy comparison if you'd like.
[Reimplement --disable-ssh-cm flag (issue239).
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20060812134856
 My patch to "Only launch SSH control master on demand" accidentally
 removed the ability to disable use of SSH ControlMaster.  Also, the
 way it was implemented is not compatible with launching on demand.
 This implementation relies on a notion of global variables using
 unsafe IORefs.
[Compile Global.lhs in place of AtExit.lhs.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20060812121943] 
[Rename AtExit module to Global.
Eric Kow <eric.kow at gmail.com>**20060812121925
 The goal is to capture some broad "global" notions like exit handlers
 and global variables.  Note the GPL header thrown in for good measure.
[Raise exception if unable to open logfile (issue142).
Zachary P. Landau <kapheine at divineinvasion.net>**20060810034035] 
[Make the pull 'permission test' work when run as root
Jon Olsson <jon at vexed.se>**20060831193834] 
[TAG darcs-unstable-20060831
Juliusz Chroboczek <jch at pps.jussieu.fr>**20060831191554] 
Patch bundle hash:

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