[darcs-devel] darcs patch: allow submitting patches via HTTP POST in addition to ...

Eric Kow eric.kow at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 13:54:17 UTC 2008

>  I actually really dislike how we pass [DarcsFlag] all over the place, as
>  it's a very un-typed approach.  You can't tell what information you're
>  passing in, or why, or what effect it will have.

I wonder if the implicit parameters extension could be useful for
helping in such a cleanup?

The idea is that we could have the granular ADTs as you suggest, but
pass them in via implicit parameters.  Code written like this seems
like it would be a little bit easier to modify: we just chuck another
implicit parameter in the type signature [although this may go a far
up the chain of calling functions]).

And we could avoid making yet another monad.  The extension seems
simple enough to understand anyway.  At least, I could understand it,
which is a good sign.

Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
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