[darcs-devel] [patch1880] decouple RepoPatchV3 impl from NamedPrim

Ganesh Sittampalam ganesh at earth.li
Sat Aug 31 19:42:59 UTC 2019

On 31/08/2019 20:13, Ben Franksen wrote:
>> http://bugs.darcs.net/file7890/refactor-the-commute-implementation-for-
>> namedprims.dpatch
>> http://bugs.darcs.net/file7906/make-d_p_v3_core-independent-of-
>> namedprim_primpatchid.dpatch
>> I think we sort of agreed on changes to the second one to not
>> try to maintain the abstractness of RepoPatchV3 in the RepoPatchV3.Core
>> module, but I haven't done them yet. (and it could probably be a followup
>> that just removes both mkPrim and the pattern synonyms, rather than an
>> amendment)
> Trying to apply any of these bundles to reviewed makes one of my cores
> work at 100% without any visible progress. It has been running like that
> now for a few minutes. I would have though that if patches are missing
> from the context, I should get an error? Is this a regression? Running
> it with --debug and redirecting to a file shows that it reads all the
> patches in the repo. This doesn't take that long, however.

I was having similar trouble applying a different bundle earlier and
just gave up and pulled from screened instead without investigating
further. And I was using an old darcs, not head.


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