[darcs-devel] Conversion to darcs-3

Benjamin Franksen ben.franksen at online.de
Thu Oct 10 13:00:41 UTC 2019

> It looks like we have an instance of the known bugs in darcs with
> swapping out dependencies via identical hunks.


> I just made the clean repo starting from reviewed and I see the same
> thing as you.
> But if I start from screened I do get an unconflicted patch (which may
> what you mean by "Not in screened" above).


> If I try to pull between the two repos I get "Failed to commute common
> patches" errors. The error mentions this patch and one other, which is
> different in each direction (details below). I diffed the output of
> darcs changes in the two repos and the only difference, after sorting
> the hashes, is in those two patches.
> Regardless of the general handling of duplicates, I think this destroys
> the strategy of expecting we will get the same converted patch no matter
> what repo we start the conversion from :-(

I don't think so. We can try to commute patches in a different order. In
case a dependency has already been commuted past /and/ is no longer part
of that repo (i.e. has been obliterated or amended) we'll have to fail,
but I guess this is not the typical scenario.

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