[darcs-devel] conflicted rebase (or rather: rebase with conflicted fixups)

Ganesh Sittampalam ganesh at earth.li
Sat May 30 16:48:35 UTC 2020


I've just pushed patch2023 to screened that I think demonstrates a
problem with the way amend is handled with conflicted fixups. The test
passes with screened but not with your branch.

Unfortunately (and this is my fault) it looks like our tests didn't
previously check this rigorously. I had been wondering how removing
'withManualRebaseUpdate' would work but had incorrectly assumed it must
be ok given the tests passed.

The basic problem with not taking account of the 'amendment' is that it
loses information. Consider the case from the test:

patch A: create wibble
patch B: edit wibble

we then suspend B and amend A with "mv wibble wobble", so it now really
creates "wobble". What we'd like when we unsuspend B is that it is
conflict-free and it edits "wobble" rather than "wibble". Unfortunately
the rebase-move test was only previously checking for conflict-freeness.

I'm very surprised I didn't have a better test for this because it was
something I spent a while on when originally writing rebase.

If the idea with conflicted fixups is that we only have "real" patches
that originated in the repository in the fixups, this case may be a bit
problematic :-/


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