[darcs-users] Yikes

Tim Barbour trb at eastpac.com.au
Fri Dec 5 22:08:15 UTC 2003

David Roundy writes:
 > On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 09:19:13AM +1100, Tim Barbour wrote:
 > > David Roundy writes:
 > > > As an interrim fix, I've compressed this patch, so if you could try
 > > > again that would be great.
 > > 
 > > Yikes again  - see the output appended below.
 > Are you using an http proxy, as Nigel suggested? If so, might it be a
 > caching proxy?

I am indeed using privoxy (should have noticed the function name), as Nigel
suggested. In my case the relevant setting was in my ~/.wgetrc (darcs must be
using wget), and I changed it to point straight to my squid cache instead of
privoxy. After that the darcs get was fine. Sorry about the confusion.

 > I don't see how you could be getting this file modified in
 > this way when I've just doublechecked that the file is actually
 > compressed.  Could you try downloading it with wget, to see what it looks
 > like? (from
 > http://abrigegame.org/repos/darcs/_darcs/patches/Add_web_page_to_repo.-droundy9abridgegame.org-Mon_Mar_31_06.44.23_EST_2003 [sic])

The 'd' was missing from "bridge", but (after fixing wget) I downloaded http://abridgegame.org/repos/darcs/_darcs/patches/Add_web_page_to_repo.-droundy9abridgegame.org-Mon_Mar_31_06.44.23_EST_2003
and append the result below.

Thank you.


[Add web page to repo.
droundy at abridgegame.org**Mon Mar 31 06:44:23 EST 2003] {
hunk ./Makefile 48
+index.html: index.html.in
+	sed "s/VERSION/`darcs --version`/" $< > $@
hunk ./configure 19
-    echo ALL: make.inc darcs unit darcs_cgi manual/index.html darcs.ps >> make.inc;
+    echo ALL: make.inc darcs unit darcs_cgi manual/index.html index.html darcs.ps >> make.inc;
addfile ./index.html.in
hunk ./index.html.in 1
+  <HEAD>
+    <TITLE>darcs</TITLE>
+    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+    <meta name="description" content="darcs is an advanced revision control
+    system.">
+    <meta name="keywords" content="darcs revision control system free software gpl linuxs debian">
+  </HEAD>
+  <BODY BGCOLOR='white'>
+      [introduction] <a
+      href="http://www.abridgegame.org/mailman/listinfo/darcs-users">[mailing
+      list]</a> <a
+      href="manual/">[documentation]</a>
+    </P>
+    <P>
+    <H1 ALIGN="CENTER">darcs</H1>
+    <P ALIGN="CENTER"><STRONG>by <a href="mailto:droundy at abridgegame.org">
+        David Roundy</a></STRONG></P>
+    <P> <a name="intro">David's Advanced Revision Control System is yet
+    another replacement for CVS.</a> I don't like writing blurbs or web
+    pages, so if you want to learn more about it, read the <a
+    href="manual/"> manual</a>.  The manual is also available as a
+    <a href="darcs.ps"> postscript file</a>.
+    <P> You can download darcs as a <a
+    href="darcs-VERSION.tar.gz">tarball</a>.  In order to compile darcs,
+    you will need ghc 5.04 or later, and a recent version of libcurl.
+    <P> Or if you use debian, you can install darcs via apt.  For woody,
+    add the following lines to your sources.list:
+    <p>deb http://http.abridgegame.org/debian/ woody/<br>
+       deb-src http://http.abridgegame.org/debian/ woody/
+    <p> If you are running sid (Debian unstable), you can instead use the 
+    following lines:
+    <p>deb http://http.abridgegame.org/debian/ unstable/<br>
+       deb-src http://http.abridgegame.org/debian/ unstable/
+    <P> If you already have darcs, you can get a copy of the latest code
+    by:
+    <P> darcs get --verbose http://abridgegame.org/repos/darcs
+    <P> There is a mailing list available, <a
+        href="http://www.abridgegame.org/mailman/listinfo/darcs-users">
+        darcs-users at abridgegame.org</a>, to which you can send
+        questions, comments and most especially bug reports.
+    <HR>
+    <P> <!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/counter.pl"-->

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