[darcs-users] toggling read-only

Juliusz Chroboczek jch at pps.jussieu.fr
Wed Dec 29 12:07:53 UTC 2004

> >>>> Please be careful to make sure it's very difficult to modify
> >>>> files in 'current', though.

> > Excellent point.

> I'm all for vc-darcs opening buffers read-only where possible, but I'd
> rather it not interfere with my normal find-file behavior or toggle
> any buffer it didn't create.  If the user wants to edit their
> repository, I don't think emacs (or vim) should stand in their way.

We're speaking about preventing the user from editing the files under
_darcs/current, which should never, ever be edited by anything else
than darcs itself.  We are definitely /not/ trying to prevent the user
from doing anything to files that are not under _darcs -- nobody here
is advocating the ``lock/edit/release'' model of yesteryear.


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