[darcs-users] XSLT for --xml-output

Sean E. Russell ser at germane-software.com
Fri Feb 6 19:37:35 UTC 2004

Here's a first shot at a stylesheet for turning the output from 'darcs changes 
--xml-output' into HTML.

1) I haven't tested the executive summary feature
2) Right now, you must supply at least two attributes: a previous tag name, 
and a last tag name.  This means you have to have at least two tags on your 
repository.  Yes, this sucks, and yes, I'll fix it.
3) This thing is terribly inefficient.  It takes about 21 seconds to run on 
the darcs change log, which is about 200k worth of HTML, via xsltproc -- the 
fastest XSL transformation engine that I'm aware of -- on my 1.8GHz laptop.  
This is primarily because of limitations in how tags work; I may end up 
removing some features or making them optional, which will speed up the 

Yah, it is rough.  Yes, I'll clean it up.  It's an hour's worth of work; so 
sue me.

To use it, do the following (substituting your favorite XSL transformation 
engine and the appropriate parameter variables):

	darcs changes --xml-output > change.xml
	xsltproc \
		--stringparam previous_tag LALA
		--stringparam last_major_tag FOOO
		--stringparam project-name MYPROJECT
		styles/release_html.xsl   change.xml   >   change.html

Get it from:


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