[darcs-users] Using Darcs for large projects

Juliusz Chroboczek jch at pps.jussieu.fr
Fri Jun 18 08:33:16 UTC 2004

MV> The size of the development and documentation tree is about 267M,
MV> and growing.

MV> Then I did "darcs record -a", and the trouble began.  It took 20
MV> minutes, and I had to change that to "darcs +RTS -K32m -M720m
MV> record -a"

This was fixed just after 0.9.21 was released.  It should be much
better with the current sources (roughly tenfold improvement in memory

(The relevant change is ``Avoid unpacking PackedStrings in the printer''
dated Sun Jun 13 02:02:34 CEST 2004.


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