[darcs-users] I wish for mutable patches.

Taral taral at taral.net
Wed Oct 20 19:53:06 UTC 2004

On Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 09:45:43AM -0300, zooko at zooko.com wrote:
> What I really want is for darcs to provide me with the notion of a "mutable
> patch" -- if I record patch A, and then Anthony pulls patch A, and then 
> I rerecord patch A (so we can call the new version A1 if you like), and then
> Anthony pulls A1, I want it to Just Work as he and I both expect instead of to
> screw his darcs repo up into a knot so that darcs hangs when he tries to use
> it.

I had conceived of a "subsumption set" in a named patch. But it means
one has to track subsumed patches in the inventory, which can lead to
really nasty cases when someone rerecords multiple times.

I kind of like the "can't rerecord after push".

Taral <taral at taral.net>
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