[darcs-users] bug report:

David Roundy droundy at abridgegame.org
Sun Sep 5 10:04:07 UTC 2004

On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 12:57:39PM -0300, Zooko Journeyman wrote:
> Hm.  I guess darcs travels up directories until it finds a "./_darcs".  
> That makes sense so that you can run darcs in subdirectories.  However 
> it can be confusing and problematic if you think of a subdirectory as 
> being "outside" of darcs, as I did.
> I thought that "nested" darcs repos were currently supported, so that I 
> could have
> a/_darcs
> a/somefilesinthe "a" repo
> a/b/_darcs
> a/b/somefilesinthe "b" repo
> Is that right?

Yes that's supported.

> Would it make sense for darcs to check whether the PWD exists in the 
> current repo, and if it doesn't then don't consider the current repo to 
> be the current repo?  If you see what I mean.

That would make some sense.  On the other hand, I often run darcs from
subdirectories that aren't in the current repo, so for my purposes, I like
the current behavior.
David Roundy

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