[darcs-users] Re: this is not licence advocacy

John Meacham john at repetae.net
Fri Jun 3 21:00:17 UTC 2005

On Fri, Jun 03, 2005 at 05:43:46PM -0300, zooko at zooko.com wrote:
>  Colin McMillen wrote:
> >
> > This is why I never use the "or any later version" clause in any 
> > software I release. Sure, it may seem a bit paranoid, but I don't see 
> > any substantial reason why the clause is there in the first place. If 
> > the FSF comes up with a new, improved version X of the GPL that 
> > addresses some sort of problem, I'll re-release my code *myself* under 
> > GPL version X, or under a dual license... I don't need the clause in 
> > there to automatically let the FSF do it for me. :P
> I guess this is a win as long as you outlive the FSF.
> Once you die or lose interest in computers, the licence is "frozen".  If the 
> FSF is still alive and legit, and has an improved licence, but you've already 
> died, then that's too bad.

Actually, the copyright transfers to your heirs just like any other
property and they can do what they wish with it. Which is why I intend
to have a will placing all code I have ever written and still own under
the new BSD license. To avoid any posthumonous trouble for people trying
to use my work. (as it is, I use either GPL or BSD depending on the
project). I highly recommend any open source authors do something
similar, perhaps leaving their code to the FSF if they wish it to remain

John Meacham - ⑆repetae.net⑆john⑈ 

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