[darcs-users] darcs annotate format obscures the code

Ralph Corderoy ralph at inputplus.co.uk
Sun Mar 20 13:58:50 UTC 2005

Hi Jamie,

> On Sun, Mar 20, 2005 at 12:33:21PM +0000, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> > The first line that doesn't match /^[ 1-9]/ will always be the end
> > of file line so something more simple like `.' as used by ed(1),
> > SMTP, etc., may be less noisy.  Alternatively, allow the explanation
> > of the numbers to be in a separate file.
> I'd rather see the numbers in the output of darcs changes. That way I
> can run annotate in one window and changes in another. Modification of
> the repo shouldn't be a problem because a) presumably this is usually
> being done in a private copy

Usually isn't good enough to avoid misleading output to the user.

> and b) any new patches will just get higher numbers.

I don't think that's true.  They're date ordered and the date is when
the patch was recording, not when it was added to this repo, so
introducing a patch written six months ago will bump lots of numbers on
by one.



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