[darcs-users] Synchronizing repos with unison

Daniel Bünzli daniel.buenzli at epfl.ch
Sat Nov 12 13:04:21 UTC 2005


Short version:

The wiki tells me [1] that one should not synchronize '_darcs'  
directories with unison. I don't see why this is a problem and I  
would really like to do that (to know why see long version below).  
Can anybody explain me what the problem is ? After all, what is under  
'_darcs' is just a bunch of files.

Thanks for your answers,


[1] <http://darcs.net/DarcsWiki/ 

Long version:

I would like to use darcs to track a document's changes while keeping  
my current workflow unchanged.

I have a home laptop H a work laptop W and an account on a server S.  
Currently I work with unison as follows, everything I synchronize is  
in a '~/sync' directory and,

1. When I leave home for work I unison between H and S.
2. When I arrive at work I unison between W and S.
3. When I leave work I unison between W and S.
4. When I arrive home I unison between H and S.

This is very convenient because the only thing I have to remember is  
to type 'unison' and 'y' in my terminal wherever I arrive or leave  
from. I can add files in '~/sync' or remove them and everything just  

I thought about using darcs as follows,

1. On S create a directory '~/repos/mydoc' (i.e. not under '~/sync')  
for the repository where I'll 'darcs push' to.
2. On H, 'darcs get' from S in my '~/sync' directory and then just  
use unison as usual.

The idea is that if for example I 'darcs push' from H to S in '~/ 
repos/mydoc', when I arrive at work I don't want to need to 'darcs  
get' from S, I just want to unison (because it is the only thing my  
crippled mind will remember). So the problem is that if I don't  
synchronize _darcs then I will need to 'darcs get' at one place  
whenever I 'darcs push' from another, which I would like to avoid.

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