[darcs-users] display which patches differ between two branches

Juliusz Chroboczek Juliusz.Chroboczek at pps.jussieu.fr
Sun Jun 18 18:26:22 UTC 2006

>> I think 'darcs pull --dry-run [branch2]' is what you want.

> That will list patches that are in branch2 but not in local.

> But I don't think it will list branches that are in local that are not in 
> branch2?

That's ``darcs push --dry-run''.

We've been discussing a ``darcs sync'' command that does the equivalent
of push followed by pull (``darcs sync --dry-run'' would do what you
want), but finally decided that we don't know how to design an
intuitive user interface, and that it's not worth the complication.

You may disagree, though, in which case we'll doubtless consider your
patches with all the attention they deserve.


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