[darcs-users] remote write access (without ssh)?

Jason Dagit dagit at codersbase.com
Tue Apr 22 21:11:21 UTC 2008

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 1:32 PM, Johannes Waldmann <
waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de> wrote:

> What's the current best practice for setting up
> a repository for remote write acces
> (and not giving full shell access)
> It seems ssh is required, so scponly does not work.
> This is quite the show-stopper.
> For CVS, one could apparently use (in sshd_config)
> Match User foo ; ForceCommand cvs server .
> Does something similar work for darcs? I'm afraid not:
> darcs' RemoteApply contains:
>   pipeDoc_SSH_IgnoreError addr ["darcs apply --all --repodir
> '"++path++"'"] bundle
> while the corresponding function in cvs (client.c:start_rsh_server)
> constructs the command "cvs server"
> (literally those two words, no options, no arguments)
> and this makes ForceCommand work.
> Perhaps this method can be considered for darcs as well.
> The data will be piped anyway, so it should be enough
> to prepend this with one line giving the path information.

One thing that could work, although may not be optimal, is that you could
use ftp or rsync to keep the repositories on the server side and then always
do your work locally.

So you interact with other people's server side branches, work locally and
when instead of 'darcs push' or 'darcs send', you execute 'darcs-sync.sh'
that runs your favorite (or allowed) copy program to clone your local
directory on the server side.

I'm curious to see other solutions people have for this case as mine is a
bit silly.

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