[darcs-users] darcs patch: Split Cache mostly out of Darsc/Repository/Prefs into its own file (take 2)

Nathaniel W Filardo nwf at cs.jhu.edu
Wed Aug 13 10:02:51 UTC 2008

On Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 03:53:40AM -0400, Nathaniel W Filardo wrote:
> Split the material dealing with hashed repository formats and caches mostly
> out of Prefs (into InternalTypes and HashedIO).  This restores Prefs to
> being mostly _darcs/prefs/* handling code.  Compiles and passes tests, but
> not sure it's the maximally right answer.

This is a second attempt at this patch, which instead of moving things into
InternalTypes and HashedIO, moves the Cache logic out to
Darcs/Repository/Cache.  This is much less involved than the last patch,
being mostly a move and scattered updates to imports.

The one notable change it does make (as a second patch in the bundle) is to
export the cache hash function in hopes of it being useful for issue861.  If
desired, I can submit a version without.

-------------- next part --------------
Thu Aug  7 05:49:18 EDT 2008  nwf at cs.jhu.edu
  * Make Darcs.Repository.Prefs export the cache hash function

Wed Aug 13 05:43:29 EDT 2008  nwf at cs.jhu.edu
  * Split Cache mostly out of Darsc/Repository/Prefs into its own file (take 2)

New patches:

[Make Darcs.Repository.Prefs export the cache hash function
nwf at cs.jhu.edu**20080807094918] hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.lhs 30
-                   okayHash, takeHash,
+                   cacheHash, okayHash, takeHash,
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.lhs 424
+-- This function computes the cache hash (i.e. filename) of a packed string.
+cacheHash :: PackedString -> String
+cacheHash ps = case show (lengthPS ps) of
+                 x | l > 10 -> sha256sum ps
+                   | otherwise -> take (10-l) (repeat '0') ++ x ++'-':sha256sum ps
+                                        where l = length x
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.lhs 584
-    where hash = case show (lengthPS ps) of
-                 x | l > 10 -> sha256sum ps
-                   | otherwise -> take (10-l) (repeat '0') ++ x ++'-':sha256sum ps
-                                        where l = length x
+    where hash = cacheHash ps

[Split Cache mostly out of Darsc/Repository/Prefs into its own file (take 2)
nwf at cs.jhu.edu**20080813094329] hunk ./GNUmakefile 94
+	Cache.lhs \
hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/ShowRepo.lhs 45
+import Darcs.Repository.Cache ( Cache )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/ShowRepo.lhs 49
-import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( Cache, get_preflist )
+import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( get_preflist )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository.lhs 74
-import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( unionCaches, fetchFileUsingCache )
+import Darcs.Repository.Cache ( unionCaches, fetchFileUsingCache )
addfile ./src/Darcs/Repository/Cache.lhs
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Cache.lhs 1
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-}
+#include "gadts.h"
+module Darcs.Repository.Cache (
+                   cacheHash, okayHash, takeHash,
+                   Cache(..), CacheType(..), CacheLoc(..), WritableOrNot(..),
+                   unionCaches, cleanCaches,
+                   fetchFileUsingCache, speculateFileUsingCache, writeFileUsingCache,
+                   findFileMtimeUsingCache, setFileMtimeUsingCache, peekInCache,
+                   repo2cache
+                 ) where
+import Control.Monad ( liftM, when, guard )
+import Data.List ( nub )
+import Data.Maybe ( listToMaybe )
+import System.Directory ( removeFile, doesFileExist, getDirectoryContents )
+import System.Posix ( setFileTimes )
+import System.Posix.Files ( linkCount, modificationTime, getSymbolicLinkStatus )
+import System.Posix.Types ( EpochTime )
+import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr )
+import Crypt.SHA256 ( sha256sum )
+import FastPackedString ( PackedString, unpackPS, gzWriteFilePS, lengthPS,
+                          linesPS, dropPS )
+import SHA1 ( sha1PS )
+import Workaround ( createLink, createDirectoryIfMissing )
+import Darcs.External ( gzFetchFilePS, fetchFilePS, speculateFileOrUrl, copyFileOrUrl,
+                        Cachable( Cachable ) )
+import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag( NoCompress ) )
+import Darcs.Global ( darcsdir )
+import Darcs.Lock ( writeAtomicFilePS, gzWriteAtomicFilePS )
+import Darcs.Progress ( progressList, debugMessage, debugFail )
+import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( undefined_time )
+import Darcs.URL ( is_file )
+import Darcs.Utils ( withCurrentDirectory, catchall )
+data WritableOrNot = Writable | NotWritable deriving ( Show )
+data CacheType = Repo | Directory deriving ( Eq, Show )
+data CacheLoc = Cache !CacheType !WritableOrNot !String
+newtype Cache = Ca [CacheLoc] -- abstract type for hiding cache
+instance Eq CacheLoc where
+    (Cache Repo _ a) == (Cache Repo _ b) = a == b
+    (Cache Directory _ a) == (Cache Directory _ b) = a == b
+    _ == _ = False
+instance Show CacheLoc where
+    show (Cache Repo Writable a) = "thisrepo:" ++ a
+    show (Cache Repo NotWritable a) = "repo:" ++ a
+    show (Cache Directory Writable a) = "cache:" ++ a
+    show (Cache Directory NotWritable a) = "readonly:" ++ a
+instance Show Cache where
+    show (Ca cs) = unlines $ map show cs
+unionCaches :: Cache -> Cache -> Cache
+unionCaches (Ca a) (Ca b) = Ca (nub (a++b))
+repo2cache :: String -> Cache
+repo2cache r = Ca [Cache Repo NotWritable r]
+-- This function computes the cache hash (i.e. filename) of a packed string.
+cacheHash :: PackedString -> String
+cacheHash ps = case show (lengthPS ps) of
+                 x | l > 10 -> sha256sum ps
+                   | otherwise -> take (10-l) (repeat '0') ++ x ++'-':sha256sum ps
+                                        where l = length x
+okayHash :: String -> Bool
+okayHash s = length s == 40 || length s == 64 || length s == 75
+takeHash :: PackedString -> Maybe (String, PackedString)
+takeHash ps = do h <- listToMaybe $ linesPS ps
+                 guard $ okayHash $ unpackPS h
+                 Just (unpackPS h, dropPS (lengthPS h) ps)
+checkHash :: String -> PackedString -> Bool
+checkHash h s | length h == 40 = sha1PS s == h
+              | length h == 64 = sha256sum s == h
+              | length h == 75 = lengthPS s == read (take 10 h) && sha256sum s == drop 11 h
+              | otherwise = False
+findFileMtimeUsingCache :: Cache -> String -> String -> IO EpochTime
+findFileMtimeUsingCache (Ca cache) subdir f = mt cache
+    where mt [] = return undefined_time
+          mt (Cache Repo Writable r:_) = (modificationTime `fmap`
+                                          getSymbolicLinkStatus (r++"/"++darcsdir++"/"++subdir++"/"++f))
+                                         `catchall` return undefined_time
+          mt (_:cs) = mt cs
+setFileMtimeUsingCache :: Cache -> String -> String -> EpochTime -> IO ()
+setFileMtimeUsingCache (Ca cache) subdir f t = st cache
+    where st [] = return ()
+          st (Cache Repo Writable r:_) = setFileTimes (r++"/"++darcsdir++"/"++subdir++"/"++f) t t
+                                         `catchall` return ()
+          st (_:cs) = st cs
+fetchFileUsingCache :: Cache -> String -> String -> IO (String, PackedString)
+fetchFileUsingCache = fetchFileUsingCachePrivate Anywhere
+peekInCache :: Cache -> String -> String -> IO Bool
+peekInCache (Ca cache) subdir f = cacheHasIt cache `catchall` return False
+    where cacheHasIt [] = return False
+          cacheHasIt (Cache _ NotWritable _:cs) = cacheHasIt cs
+          cacheHasIt (Cache t Writable d:cs) = do ex <- doesFileExist (fn t d)
+                                                  if ex then return True
+                                                        else cacheHasIt cs
+          fn Directory d = d ++ "/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ f
+          fn Repo r = r ++ "/"++darcsdir++"/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ f
+speculateFileUsingCache :: Cache -> String -> String -> IO ()
+speculateFileUsingCache c sd h = do debugMessage $ "Speculating on "++h
+                                    copyFileUsingCache OnlySpeculate c sd h
+data OrOnlySpeculate = ActuallyCopy | OnlySpeculate deriving ( Eq )
+copyFileUsingCache :: OrOnlySpeculate -> Cache -> String -> String -> IO ()
+copyFileUsingCache oos (Ca cache) subdir f =
+    do debugMessage $ "I'm doing copyFileUsingCache on "++subdir++"/"++f
+       Just stickItHere <- cacheLoc cache
+       createDirectoryIfMissing False (reverse $ dropWhile (/='/') $ reverse stickItHere)
+       sfuc cache stickItHere
+    `catchall` return ()
+    where cacheLoc [] = return Nothing
+          cacheLoc (Cache _ NotWritable _:cs) = cacheLoc cs
+          cacheLoc (Cache t Writable d:cs) =
+              do ex <- doesFileExist (fn t d)
+                 if ex then fail "Bug in darcs: This exception should be caught in speculateFileUsingCache"
+                       else do othercache <- cacheLoc cs
+                               case othercache of Just x -> return $ Just x
+                                                  Nothing -> return $ Just (fn t d)
+          sfuc [] _ = return ()
+          sfuc (Cache t NotWritable d:_) out = if oos == OnlySpeculate
+                                               then speculateFileOrUrl (fn t d) out
+                                               else copyFileOrUrl [] (fn t d) out Cachable
+          sfuc (_:cs) out = sfuc cs out
+          fn Directory d = d ++ "/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ f
+          fn Repo r = r ++ "/"++darcsdir++"/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ f
+data FromWhere = LocalOnly | Anywhere deriving ( Eq )
+fetchFileUsingCachePrivate :: FromWhere -> Cache -> String -> String -> IO (String, PackedString)
+fetchFileUsingCachePrivate fromWhere (Ca cache) subdir f =
+    do when (fromWhere == Anywhere) $ copyFileUsingCache ActuallyCopy (Ca cache) subdir f
+       ffuc cache
+    `catchall` debugFail ("Couldn't fetch `"++f++"'\nin subdir "++subdir++
+                          " from sources:\n\n"++show (Ca cache))
+    where ffuc (Cache t NotWritable d:cs)
+              | Anywhere == fromWhere || is_file (fn t d) =
+              do debugMessage $ "In fetchFileUsingCachePrivate I'm going manually"
+                 debugMessage $ "    getting "++f
+                 debugMessage $ "    from "++fn t d
+                 x <- gzFetchFilePS (fn t d) Cachable
+                 if not $ checkHash f x
+                    then do x' <- fetchFilePS (fn t d) Cachable
+                            when (not $ checkHash f x') $
+                                 do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Hash failure in "++d++" of hash "++f
+                                    fail $ "Hash failure in "++d++" of hash "++f
+                            return (fn t d, x')
+                    else return (fn t d, x) -- FIXME: create links in caches
+              `catchall` ffuc cs
+          ffuc (Cache t Writable d:cs) =
+              do x1 <- gzFetchFilePS (fn t d) Cachable
+                 x <- if not $ checkHash f x1
+                      then do x2 <- fetchFilePS (fn t d) Cachable
+                              when (not $ checkHash f x2) $
+                                 do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Hash failure in "++d++" of hash "++f
+                                    removeFile (fn t d)
+                                    fail $ "Hash failure in "++d++" of hash "++f
+                              return x2
+                      else return x1
+                 mapM_ (tryLinking (fn t d)) cs
+                 return (fn t d, x)
+              `catchall` do (fname,x) <- ffuc cs
+                            do createCache t d subdir
+                               createLink fname (fn t d)
+                               return (fn t d, x)
+                             `catchall`
+                             do gzWriteFilePS (fn t d) x `catchall` return ()
+                                return (fname,x)
+          ffuc (_:cs) = ffuc cs
+          ffuc [] = debugFail $ "No sources from which to fetch file `"++f++"'\n"++ show (Ca cache)
+          tryLinking ff (Cache Directory Writable d) =
+              do createDirectoryIfMissing False (d++"/"++subdir)
+                 createLink ff (fn Directory d)
+              `catchall` return ()
+          tryLinking _ _ = return ()
+          fn Directory d = d ++ "/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ f
+          fn Repo r = r ++ "/"++darcsdir++"/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ f
+createCache :: CacheType -> String -> String -> IO ()
+createCache Directory d subdir = createDirectoryIfMissing True (d ++ "/" ++ subdir)
+createCache _ _ _ = return ()
+writeFileUsingCache :: Cache -> [DarcsFlag] -> String -> PackedString -> IO String
+writeFileUsingCache (Ca cache) opts subdir ps =
+    (fetchFileUsingCachePrivate LocalOnly (Ca cache) subdir hash >> return hash) `catchall`
+    wfuc cache `catchall`
+         debugFail ("Couldn't write `"++hash++"'\nin subdir "++subdir++" to sources:\n\n"++
+                    show (Ca cache))
+    where hash = cacheHash ps
+          wfuc (Cache _ NotWritable _:cs) = wfuc cs
+          wfuc (Cache t Writable d:_) =
+              do createCache t d subdir
+                 if NoCompress `elem` opts
+                    then writeAtomicFilePS (fn t d) ps -- FIXME: create links in caches
+                    else gzWriteAtomicFilePS (fn t d) ps -- FIXME: create links in caches
+                 return hash
+          wfuc [] = debugFail $ "No location to write file `" ++ subdir ++"/"++hash ++ "'"
+          fn Directory d = d ++ "/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ hash
+          fn Repo r = r ++ "/"++darcsdir++"/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ hash
+cleanCaches :: Cache -> String -> IO ()
+cleanCaches (Ca cs) subdir = mapM_ cleanCache cs
+    where cleanCache (Cache Directory Writable d) =
+             (withCurrentDirectory (d++"/"++subdir) $
+              do fs <- getDirectoryContents "."
+                 mapM_ clean $ progressList ("Cleaning cache "++d++"/"++subdir) $
+                       filter okayHash fs) `catchall` return ()
+          cleanCache _ = return ()
+          clean f = do lc <- linkCount `liftM` getSymbolicLinkStatus f
+                       when (lc < 2) $ removeFile f
+                    `catchall` return ()
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/HashedIO.lhs 36
-import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( Cache, fetchFileUsingCache, writeFileUsingCache,
+import Darcs.Repository.Cache ( Cache, fetchFileUsingCache, writeFileUsingCache,
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/HashedRepo.lhs 45
-import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( Cache, fetchFileUsingCache, speculateFileUsingCache, writeFileUsingCache,
+import Darcs.Repository.Cache ( Cache, fetchFileUsingCache, speculateFileUsingCache,
+                                writeFileUsingCache,
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/InternalTypes.lhs 24
-import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( Cache )
+import Darcs.Repository.Cache ( Cache )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.lhs 30
-                   cacheHash, okayHash, takeHash,
-                   Cache, getCaches, unionCaches, cleanCaches,
-                   fetchFileUsingCache, speculateFileUsingCache, writeFileUsingCache,
-                   findFileMtimeUsingCache, setFileMtimeUsingCache, peekInCache,
-                   repo2cache
+                   getCaches,
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.lhs 33
-import System.Posix ( setFileTimes )
-import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.lhs 34
-import System.Posix.Files ( linkCount, modificationTime, getSymbolicLinkStatus )
-import System.Posix.Types ( EpochTime )
-import Workaround ( getCurrentDirectory, createLink, createDirectoryIfMissing )
-import System.Directory ( removeFile, doesFileExist, getDirectoryContents )
-import Control.Monad ( liftM, unless, when, mplus, guard )
+import Workaround ( getCurrentDirectory )
+import Control.Monad ( liftM, unless, when, mplus )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.lhs 38
-import Data.Maybe ( isNothing, isJust, catMaybes, listToMaybe )
+import Data.Maybe ( isNothing, isJust, catMaybes )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.lhs 42
-import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( undefined_time )
-import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag( NoSetDefault, DryRun, Ephemeral, NoCompress, RemoteRepo ) )
-import Darcs.Utils ( withCurrentDirectory, catchall, stripCr )
+import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag( NoSetDefault, DryRun, Ephemeral, RemoteRepo ) )
+import Darcs.Utils ( catchall, stripCr )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.lhs 46
-import Darcs.Lock ( writeAtomicFilePS, gzWriteAtomicFilePS )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.lhs 47
-import Darcs.URL ( is_file )
-import Darcs.External ( gzFetchFilePS, fetchFilePS, speculateFileOrUrl, copyFileOrUrl,
-                        Cachable( Cachable ) )
-import Darcs.Progress ( progressList, debugMessage, debugFail )
-import SHA1 ( sha1PS )
-import Crypt.SHA256 ( sha256sum )
-import FastPackedString ( PackedString, nilPS, unpackPS, gzWriteFilePS, lengthPS,
-                          linesPS, dropPS )
+import Darcs.External ( gzFetchFilePS, Cachable( Cachable ) )
+import FastPackedString ( nilPS, unpackPS )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.lhs 50
+import Darcs.Repository.Cache ( Cache(..), CacheType(..), CacheLoc(..),
+                                WritableOrNot(..) )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.lhs 385
-data WritableOrNot = Writable | NotWritable deriving ( Show )
-data CacheType = Repo | Directory deriving ( Eq, Show )
-data CacheLoc = Cache !CacheType !WritableOrNot !String
-newtype Cache = Ca [CacheLoc] -- abstract type for hiding cache
-instance Eq CacheLoc where
-    (Cache Repo _ a) == (Cache Repo _ b) = a == b
-    (Cache Directory _ a) == (Cache Directory _ b) = a == b
-    _ == _ = False
-instance Show CacheLoc where
-    show (Cache Repo Writable a) = "thisrepo:" ++ a
-    show (Cache Repo NotWritable a) = "repo:" ++ a
-    show (Cache Directory Writable a) = "cache:" ++ a
-    show (Cache Directory NotWritable a) = "readonly:" ++ a
-instance Show Cache where
-    show (Ca cs) = unlines $ map show cs
-unionCaches :: Cache -> Cache -> Cache
-unionCaches (Ca a) (Ca b) = Ca (nub (a++b))
-repo2cache :: String -> Cache
-repo2cache r = Ca [Cache Repo NotWritable r]
--- This function computes the cache hash (i.e. filename) of a packed string.
-cacheHash :: PackedString -> String
-cacheHash ps = case show (lengthPS ps) of
-                 x | l > 10 -> sha256sum ps
-                   | otherwise -> take (10-l) (repeat '0') ++ x ++'-':sha256sum ps
-                                        where l = length x
-okayHash :: String -> Bool
-okayHash s = length s == 40 || length s == 64 || length s == 75
-takeHash :: PackedString -> Maybe (String, PackedString)
-takeHash ps = do h <- listToMaybe $ linesPS ps
-                 guard $ okayHash $ unpackPS h
-                 Just (unpackPS h, dropPS (lengthPS h) ps)
-checkHash :: String -> PackedString -> Bool
-checkHash h s | length h == 40 = sha1PS s == h
-              | length h == 64 = sha256sum s == h
-              | length h == 75 = lengthPS s == read (take 10 h) && sha256sum s == drop 11 h
-              | otherwise = False
-getCaches :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> IO Cache
-getCaches opts repodir =
-    do here <- parsehs `fmap` get_preffile (darcsdir ++ "/prefs/sources")
-       there <- (parsehs . lines . unpackPS) `fmap`
-                (gzFetchFilePS (repodir ++ "/" ++ darcsdir ++ "/prefs/sources") Cachable
-                 `catchall` return nilPS)
-       maincache <- parsehs `fmap` get_global "sources"
-       thisdir <- getCurrentDirectory
-       let thisrepo = if Ephemeral `elem` opts
-                      then [Cache Repo NotWritable thisdir]
-                      else [Cache Repo Writable thisdir]
-       return $ Ca $ nub $ thisrepo ++ maincache ++ here ++
-                  [Cache Repo NotWritable repodir] ++ there
-      where parsehs = catMaybes . map readln . noncomments
-            readln l | take 5 l == "repo:" = Just (Cache Repo NotWritable (drop 5 l))
-                     | take 9 l == "thisrepo:" = Just (Cache Repo Writable (drop 9 l))
-                     | take 6 l == "cache:" = Just (Cache Directory Writable (drop 6 l))
-                     | take 9 l == "readonly:" = Just (Cache Directory NotWritable (drop 9 l))
-                     | otherwise = Nothing
-findFileMtimeUsingCache :: Cache -> String -> String -> IO EpochTime
-findFileMtimeUsingCache (Ca cache) subdir f = mt cache
-    where mt [] = return undefined_time
-          mt (Cache Repo Writable r:_) = (modificationTime `fmap`
-                                          getSymbolicLinkStatus (r++"/"++darcsdir++"/"++subdir++"/"++f))
-                                         `catchall` return undefined_time
-          mt (_:cs) = mt cs
-setFileMtimeUsingCache :: Cache -> String -> String -> EpochTime -> IO ()
-setFileMtimeUsingCache (Ca cache) subdir f t = st cache
-    where st [] = return ()
-          st (Cache Repo Writable r:_) = setFileTimes (r++"/"++darcsdir++"/"++subdir++"/"++f) t t
-                                         `catchall` return ()
-          st (_:cs) = st cs
-fetchFileUsingCache :: Cache -> String -> String -> IO (String, PackedString)
-fetchFileUsingCache = fetchFileUsingCachePrivate Anywhere
-peekInCache :: Cache -> String -> String -> IO Bool
-peekInCache (Ca cache) subdir f = cacheHasIt cache `catchall` return False
-    where cacheHasIt [] = return False
-          cacheHasIt (Cache _ NotWritable _:cs) = cacheHasIt cs
-          cacheHasIt (Cache t Writable d:cs) = do ex <- doesFileExist (fn t d)
-                                                  if ex then return True
-                                                        else cacheHasIt cs
-          fn Directory d = d ++ "/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ f
-          fn Repo r = r ++ "/"++darcsdir++"/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ f
-speculateFileUsingCache :: Cache -> String -> String -> IO ()
-speculateFileUsingCache c sd h = do debugMessage $ "Speculating on "++h
-                                    copyFileUsingCache OnlySpeculate c sd h
-data OrOnlySpeculate = ActuallyCopy | OnlySpeculate deriving ( Eq )
-copyFileUsingCache :: OrOnlySpeculate -> Cache -> String -> String -> IO ()
-copyFileUsingCache oos (Ca cache) subdir f =
-    do debugMessage $ "I'm doing copyFileUsingCache on "++subdir++"/"++f
-       Just stickItHere <- cacheLoc cache
-       createDirectoryIfMissing False (reverse $ dropWhile (/='/') $ reverse stickItHere)
-       sfuc cache stickItHere
-    `catchall` return ()
-    where cacheLoc [] = return Nothing
-          cacheLoc (Cache _ NotWritable _:cs) = cacheLoc cs
-          cacheLoc (Cache t Writable d:cs) =
-              do ex <- doesFileExist (fn t d)
-                 if ex then fail "Bug in darcs: This exception should be caught in speculateFileUsingCache"
-                       else do othercache <- cacheLoc cs
-                               case othercache of Just x -> return $ Just x
-                                                  Nothing -> return $ Just (fn t d)
-          sfuc [] _ = return ()
-          sfuc (Cache t NotWritable d:_) out = if oos == OnlySpeculate
-                                               then speculateFileOrUrl (fn t d) out
-                                               else copyFileOrUrl [] (fn t d) out Cachable
-          sfuc (_:cs) out = sfuc cs out
-          fn Directory d = d ++ "/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ f
-          fn Repo r = r ++ "/"++darcsdir++"/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ f
-data FromWhere = LocalOnly | Anywhere deriving ( Eq )
-fetchFileUsingCachePrivate :: FromWhere -> Cache -> String -> String -> IO (String, PackedString)
-fetchFileUsingCachePrivate fromWhere (Ca cache) subdir f =
-    do when (fromWhere == Anywhere) $ copyFileUsingCache ActuallyCopy (Ca cache) subdir f
-       ffuc cache
-    `catchall` debugFail ("Couldn't fetch `"++f++"'\nin subdir "++subdir++
-                          " from sources:\n\n"++show (Ca cache))
-    where ffuc (Cache t NotWritable d:cs)
-              | Anywhere == fromWhere || is_file (fn t d) =
-              do debugMessage $ "In fetchFileUsingCachePrivate I'm going manually"
-                 debugMessage $ "    getting "++f
-                 debugMessage $ "    from "++fn t d
-                 x <- gzFetchFilePS (fn t d) Cachable
-                 if not $ checkHash f x
-                    then do x' <- fetchFilePS (fn t d) Cachable
-                            when (not $ checkHash f x') $
-                                 do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Hash failure in "++d++" of hash "++f
-                                    fail $ "Hash failure in "++d++" of hash "++f
-                            return (fn t d, x')
-                    else return (fn t d, x) -- FIXME: create links in caches
-              `catchall` ffuc cs
-          ffuc (Cache t Writable d:cs) =
-              do x1 <- gzFetchFilePS (fn t d) Cachable
-                 x <- if not $ checkHash f x1
-                      then do x2 <- fetchFilePS (fn t d) Cachable
-                              when (not $ checkHash f x2) $
-                                 do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Hash failure in "++d++" of hash "++f
-                                    removeFile (fn t d)
-                                    fail $ "Hash failure in "++d++" of hash "++f
-                              return x2
-                      else return x1
-                 mapM_ (tryLinking (fn t d)) cs
-                 return (fn t d, x)
-              `catchall` do (fname,x) <- ffuc cs
-                            do createCache t d subdir
-                               createLink fname (fn t d)
-                               return (fn t d, x)
-                             `catchall`
-                             do gzWriteFilePS (fn t d) x `catchall` return ()
-                                return (fname,x)
-          ffuc (_:cs) = ffuc cs
-          ffuc [] = debugFail $ "No sources from which to fetch file `"++f++"'\n"++ show (Ca cache)
-          tryLinking ff (Cache Directory Writable d) =
-              do createDirectoryIfMissing False (d++"/"++subdir)
-                 createLink ff (fn Directory d)
-              `catchall` return ()
-          tryLinking _ _ = return ()
-          fn Directory d = d ++ "/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ f
-          fn Repo r = r ++ "/"++darcsdir++"/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ f
-createCache :: CacheType -> String -> String -> IO ()
-createCache Directory d subdir = createDirectoryIfMissing True (d ++ "/" ++ subdir)
-createCache _ _ _ = return ()
-writeFileUsingCache :: Cache -> [DarcsFlag] -> String -> PackedString -> IO String
-writeFileUsingCache (Ca cache) opts subdir ps =
-    (fetchFileUsingCachePrivate LocalOnly (Ca cache) subdir hash >> return hash) `catchall`
-    wfuc cache `catchall`
-         debugFail ("Couldn't write `"++hash++"'\nin subdir "++subdir++" to sources:\n\n"++
-                    show (Ca cache))
-    where hash = cacheHash ps
-          wfuc (Cache _ NotWritable _:cs) = wfuc cs
-          wfuc (Cache t Writable d:_) =
-              do createCache t d subdir
-                 if NoCompress `elem` opts
-                    then writeAtomicFilePS (fn t d) ps -- FIXME: create links in caches
-                    else gzWriteAtomicFilePS (fn t d) ps -- FIXME: create links in caches
-                 return hash
-          wfuc [] = debugFail $ "No location to write file `" ++ subdir ++"/"++hash ++ "'"
-          fn Directory d = d ++ "/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ hash
-          fn Repo r = r ++ "/"++darcsdir++"/" ++ subdir ++ "/" ++ hash
-cleanCaches :: Cache -> String -> IO ()
-cleanCaches (Ca cs) subdir = mapM_ cleanCache cs
-    where cleanCache (Cache Directory Writable d) =
-             (withCurrentDirectory (d++"/"++subdir) $
-              do fs <- getDirectoryContents "."
-                 mapM_ clean $ progressList ("Cleaning cache "++d++"/"++subdir) $
-                       filter okayHash fs) `catchall` return ()
-          cleanCache _ = return ()
-          clean f = do lc <- linkCount `liftM` getSymbolicLinkStatus f
-                       when (lc < 2) $ removeFile f
-                    `catchall` return ()
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.lhs 419
+getCaches :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> IO Cache
+getCaches opts repodir =
+    do here <- parsehs `fmap` get_preffile (darcsdir ++ "/prefs/sources")
+       there <- (parsehs . lines . unpackPS) `fmap`
+                (gzFetchFilePS (repodir ++ "/" ++ darcsdir ++ "/prefs/sources") Cachable
+                 `catchall` return nilPS)
+       maincache <- parsehs `fmap` get_global "sources"
+       thisdir <- getCurrentDirectory
+       let thisrepo = if Ephemeral `elem` opts
+                      then [Cache Repo NotWritable thisdir]
+                      else [Cache Repo Writable thisdir]
+       return $ Ca $ nub $ thisrepo ++ maincache ++ here ++
+                  [Cache Repo NotWritable repodir] ++ there
+      where parsehs = catMaybes . map readln . noncomments
+            readln l | take 5 l == "repo:" = Just (Cache Repo NotWritable (drop 5 l))
+                     | take 9 l == "thisrepo:" = Just (Cache Repo Writable (drop 9 l))
+                     | take 6 l == "cache:" = Just (Cache Directory Writable (drop 6 l))
+                     | take 9 l == "readonly:" = Just (Cache Directory NotWritable (drop 9 l))
+                     | otherwise = Nothing


[Generalize HashRepo.clean_pristine to HashIO.clean_hashdir.
me at mornfall.net**20080812002708] 
[Add writeSlurpy to roll out a copy of slurpy into a filesystem.
me at mornfall.net**20080812002345] 
[fix breakage in URL.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20080812141220] 
[Parametrize "pristine.hashed" in a bunch of functions.
me at mornfall.net**20080812002114] 
[Rework URL module for multi threading.
Dmitry Kurochkin <dmitry.kurochkin at gmail.com>**20080811221209] 
[Add thread synchronization to URL module and resume select() if interrupted by signal in curl module.
Dmitry Kurochkin <dmitry.kurochkin at gmail.com>**20080810092810] 
[Handle error case with empty URL in URL.waitNextUrl function.
Dmitry Kurochkin <dmitry.kurochkin at gmail.com>**20080809221755] 
[Add --debug-http flag to enable curl and libwww debug at run-time instead of compile-time.
Dmitry Kurochkin <dmitry.kurochkin at gmail.com>**20080809154834] 
[Print a warning when the remote end does not have darcs 2.
Eric Kow <E.Y.Kow at brighton.ac.uk>**20080811100933
 Two reasons:
 (1) right now people get a scary warning from ssh when it can't fetch
     some non-essential files (it used to be that we would send stderr from ssh
     to /dev/null, but that has other problems...)
 (2) darcs transfer-mode more widely deployed could help a lot of people
     wrt darcs performance
[Added a beware note to the unrecord command
lele at nautilus.homeip.net**20080811145756] 
[Fixed typo
lele at nautilus.homeip.net**20080801162427] 
[Better debug messages in URL module.
Dmitry Kurochkin <dmitry.kurochkin at gmail.com>**20080809215247] 
[make Convert.lhs compile.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20080810201725] 
[improve type safety of Darcs.Repository.Internal.
Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com>**20080810051109] 
[Refactor `darcs convert' warning at kowey's request.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20080810110014] 
[Expand formats text based in part on suggestions from darcs-users
Max Battcher <me at worldmaker.net>**20080809184043] 
[Fixes to global cache text based on darcs-users suggestions
Max Battcher <me at worldmaker.net>**20080809181424] 
[Add user-focused documentation of repository format options
Max Battcher <me at worldmaker.net>**20080807195429] 
[Highlight the global cache as a best practice
Max Battcher <me at worldmaker.net>**20080807193918] 
[Describe best practice in `darcs convert --help'.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20080810110615] 
[add type witnesses to Population
Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com>**20080808053252] 
[add type witnesses to CommandsAux
Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com>**20080808052738] 
[Add type witnesses to more modules, rounding out Darcs/Repository/*
Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com>**20080808050947] 
[fixed a bug in identity_commutes property
Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com>**20080808023025
 In the right identity check the patch order should have gone from
 (identity :> p) to (p2 :> i2).  I added a rigid type context too
 so that ghc 6.8 and newer would type the definition.
[Make Darcs.Repository.Internal compile with type witnesses.
Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com>**20080808015343] 
[UF8.lhs: remove unusued functions/imports/docs
gwern0 at gmail.com**20080807221826] 
[Resolve issue974 : do not pass both -optc-g and -opta-g to GHC
Eric Kow <E.Y.Kow at brighton.ac.uk>**20080807073620] 
[make this test more cross-platform
Simon Michael <simon at joyful.com>**20080807103433] 
[document how to run unit tests
Simon Michael <simon at joyful.com>**20080807030416] 
[move (most) failing tests to bugs for clean test output
Simon Michael <simon at joyful.com>**20080806191336] 
[fix an old spelling error
Simon Michael <simon at joyful.com>**20080806170432] 
[make searching for "test:" in makefile work
Simon Michael <simon at joyful.com>**20080805222241] 
[run only normal (expected to pass) tests by default
Simon Michael <simon at joyful.com>**20080805222108] 
[Downplay quantum mechanics link.
Eric Kow <E.Y.Kow at brighton.ac.uk>**20080806124109
 Besides, darcs has far more than 3 users by now.
[Make patch theory intro more inviting to math people.
Eric Kow <E.Y.Kow at brighton.ac.uk>**20080806123411] 
[cleanup and slight rewrite of the test docs
Simon Michael <simon at joyful.com>**20080806165949] 
[make order of running tests consistent
Simon Michael <simon at joyful.com>**20080806172123] 
[small makefile refactoring: allow just the normal tests to be run, without bugs/*
Simon Michael <simon at joyful.com>**20080805203242] 
[Rectify dist help
lele at nautilus.homeip.net**20080804080322
 Removed the "make dist" suggestion, the manual is a better place for that.
 Instead, make clear that it operates on a clean copy of the tree, and
 mention the "predist" functionality.
[website: explain that darcs 2 is required to get the darcs source.
Simon Michael <simon at joyful.com>**20080803181216] 
[Canonize Gaetan Lehmann and Daniel Buenzli.
Eric Kow <E.Y.Kow at brighton.ac.uk>**20080730104357
 (for Daniel B, avoid an accent in his name)
[configure: check for packages needed with split base.
Eric Kow <E.Y.Kow at brighton.ac.uk>**20080730103840
 Now that all packages must be used explicitly.
[fix type witness compile errors specific to ghc 6.8
Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com>**20080722182729] 
[avoid import of unused function fromMaybe.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20080729172825] 
[configure: suggest regex-compat before text
Eric Kow <E.Y.Kow at brighton.ac.uk>**20080725095336] 
[configure: mention Haskell in 'try installing' suggestion
Eric Kow <E.Y.Kow at brighton.ac.uk>**20080725095015] 
[Typo (Text.Regex)
Eric Kow <E.Y.Kow at brighton.ac.uk>**20080715121708] 
[Use haskeline to have a readline-like behavior when asking something to the user
gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr**20080719065033
 Unlike the implementations using readline or editline packages, this code
 code doesn't break the Ctrl-C behavior.
[Improve generic rules for English plurals. 
Eric Kow <E.Y.Kow at brighton.ac.uk>**20080604123728] 
[add configure check for Network.URI.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20080711011914] 
[add -hide-all-packages to default GHCFLAGS.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20080711010952] 
[add support for outputting patch numbers in darcs changes.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20080710011211] 
[add support for matching single patches by index.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20080710004512] 
[add support for matching ranges of patches (counting back from present).
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20080710003225] 
[Better avoid silly manpage error.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20080704024920
 It turned out only initialize's help string used 'quotes', so just
 remove them.  This makes init's docstring consistent with the others.
[Missing period at end of sentence.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20080704024232] 
[darcs --overview no longer works, so don't document it.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20080704030804] 
[Avoid silly manpage error.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20080703010733
 man (nroff) treats an apostrophe in the first column specially,
 resulting in a syntax error without this patch.
 Ideally, all cases of 'foo' in the manpage (i.e. docstrings) should
 become `foo', since man -Tps turns ` and ' into left and right single
 quotes respectively.
[obliterate whitespace in Darcs.Commands.Get
gwern0 at gmail.com**20080627192026
 'twas causing lhs/haddock difficulties where a \end{code} wasn't getting recognized.
[rm haddock CPP business
gwern0 at gmail.com**20080627191413
 Try as I might, I can't see any reason to special-case some Haddock CPP logic to deal with some *commented-out guards*, unless CPP magically restores and uncomments the code if Haddock isn't being run.
[make pull less verbose when --verbose flag is given.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20080624170035] 
[fix makefile to remember to regenerate version information after running configure.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20080624170001] 
[TAG 2.0.2
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20080624012041] 
Patch bundle hash:
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