[darcs-users] Darcs and the HTTP library

Eric Kow kowey at darcs.net
Sun Dec 21 17:11:16 UTC 2008

On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 12:05:27 -0500, Gwern Branwen wrote:
> > Good foresight.  I don't think SSH needs factor into this at all.
> But isn't one of the things curl provides ssh pipelining or whatever?

We don't use curl for any SSH stuff at present.  Zooko has requested
it but now that we have the darcs transfer mode stuff implemented,
I don't think it makes sense to complicate matters by trying to use it.
And we have darcs transfer-mode that provides SSH connection sharing,
but that's not curl-related, just plain old invocation of the ssh

There is the HTTP pipelining feature that we use, which is indeed a
performance issue.

Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
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