[darcs-users] Problem merging un-related repos with shared directory structure

Antoine Latter aslatter at gmail.com
Sat Dec 27 06:04:49 UTC 2008

The following scenario leads to conflicts with darcs 2.10:

# first repository
mkdir first
cd first
mkdir B
echo "Hello!" > B/first.txt
darcs init
darcs add B -r
darcs record -a
darcs mv B A
darcs record -a
cd ..

# second repository
mkdir second
mkdir A
echo "Hello!" > A/second.txt
darcs init
darcs add -r A
darcs record -a
cd ..

# third repository
mkdir third
darcs init
darcs pull -a ../first
darcs pull -a ../second

Why this was a conflict wasn't intuitive to me the first time I saw
it.  In fact, its the first conflict I've ever run into using darcs
for my own personal projects (as far as I remember).

Is this expected to be in conflict?  Is there something better that
darcs could be doing here?

I guess it was so supprising to me was that I think of conflicts as
disagreements between what the current state of the repository should
be - but here the conflict is because the histories of the
repositories are not compatible (I think?).

Any insight would be appreciated.


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