[darcs-users] firewalls everywhere

Yitzchak Gale gale at sefer.org
Sun Mar 16 13:34:28 UTC 2008

Rodney Price wrote:
> Three of us are attempting to collaborate on a Haskell project, but we don't
> work for the same company and corporate firewalls are getting in the way.

The easiest way is to set up a repo on an outside
server someplace. You can set it up to receive patches
via either email or ssh, and serve them via http(s) and ssh.
If you don't have such a server available, you can
set it up at a hosting service with shell access, it's
not that expensive. This is what I always do,
and I recommend it.

As an alternative, you can use a cheaper http(s)-only
hosting service. Receive patches by email at one
of your firewalled machines - say, the Linux box -
and have it keep a synchronized copy of the repo
on the outside web server for others to pull from.
If the hosting service supports rsync (probably not,
it's cheap) - use that. Otherwise, your script will
have to figure out which files need uploading.

If you can only use the firewalled machines and
there are limitations on ssh and http, you'll have
to stick with just email. It should be possible to
set that up also on the Windows machine - with VBA
in Outlook, or using one of the fetchmail-alikes for
Windows, for example.


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