[darcs-users] darcs patch: rewrite push_coalesce_patch to avoid cal... (and 1 more)

Eric Kow kowey at darcs.net
Thu Oct 2 23:26:42 UTC 2008

Hi David,

I'm hoping things get a little less crazy after 10 October.
Sorry for the delays.

rewrite push_coalesce_patch to avoid calls to lengthFL.
> -sort_coalesceFL2 (x:>:xs) = push_coalesce_patch x $ sort_coalesceFL2 xs
> +sort_coalesceFL2 (x:>:xs) = either id id $ push_coalesce_patch x $ sort_coalesceFL2 xs

Makes sense to me.  I keep thinking the either id ids can be simplified
away, but nothing I come up with seems particularly satisfactory.

Maybe returning (FL Prim C(x z), Bool), or alternatively passing down
some sort of accumulator.  But I'm not convinced these are any better.
Anyway, it's a small matter.

> +      Just new' | IsEq <- nullP new' -> Right ps'
> +                | otherwise -> Right $ either id id $ push_coalesce_patch new' ps'

This makes sense because coalescing inherently shrinks things, so we
don't particularly care if we suceeded last time

> +                                     Right r -> Right $ either id id $
> +                                                push_coalesce_patch p' r

And this too makes sense because we are checking if a 'previous'
push_coalesce_patch managed to shrink things down

keep changepref patches from breaking the toSimple optimization.
The patch seems fine otherwise, I'm afraid I didn't get very far
understanding this the toSimple optimisation behind it.  I'll just make
a note of my progress for future reference.

Interestingly, I notice that there is a notion of 'simplicity' already
used by the pending code.
Alas, these do not appear to be quite the same notion.

I notice it is disabled with type witnesses.  Is that just for purposes
of making life easier in the interim?  In other words, the day type
witnesses become the default, we will also be using something like the
toSimple optimisation there?

Anyway, the context is that we have a function

   mapPrimFL :: (forall x y. FL Prim C(x y) -> FL Prim C(x y))
             -> FL Prim C(w z)
             -> FL Prim C(w z)
whose purpose is not entirely clear to me.
So question 1: what is mapPrimFL for?

For what it's worth, the code says we can treat mapPrimFL f x as being
equivalent to just f.

The optimisation says something along the lines "if all the patches in
this list (x) are 'simple', then group together all the patches which
affect the same filename (in addition to applying f to all of them)".
Now all this indiscriminate re-ordering of patches could be scary, which
is why we do this check to make sure that all patches are simple first.
Our definition of simplicity is more lax than in the pending code:
  - addir, rmfile, addfile        [note the absence of rmdir]
  - hunk,   binary
  - tokreplace
  - changepref
The point is simply to assure that none of the patches involve a
file changing name midstream.

And question 2: how is this grouping of patches which affect the
same file an aptimisation?  Is it to help the coalescing code find
clumps faster?

> +toSimple (ChangePref a b c) = Just (fp2fn "_darcs/prefs/prefs", SCP a b c)

For the interested, note that the actual filename given here doesn't
really matter; it's just a unique identifier for grouping together
patches that affect the same file.  In this case, we treat changepref
patches as affecting the same file so we can group them together.

Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
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