[darcs-users] Darcs wiki update

Gwern Branwen gwern0 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 16:53:50 UTC 2009

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Eric Kow<kowey at darcs.net> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 08:36:39 -0400, gwern0 at gmail.com wrote:
>> So editors of the wiki might be pleased to know that we've recently
>> updated the installation of Gitit on wiki.darcs.net. The previous
>> installation was weeks/months old.
> ...
>> It also changes the caching framework to cache entire pages, and
>> stores them in a disk cache. John reports this gives him a 10x speedup
>> using Git; using Darcs, it does seem a little faster.
> I've added a script to the repo (posthook.sh) which expires the cache
> for any files we push and which automatically creates a tag every 150
> patches.
> Edit away!

In the future, we could use John's expireGititCache (which doesn't do
a tag/checkpoint, though), which goes:

module Main
import Network.HTTP
import System.Environment
import Network.URI
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import System.Exit

main :: IO ()
main = do
  args <- getArgs
  (uriString : files) <- if length args < 2
                            then usageMessage >> return [""]
                            else return args
  uri <- case parseURI uriString of
             Just u  -> return u
             Nothing -> do
               hPutStrLn stderr ("Could not parse URI " ++ uriString)
               exitWith (ExitFailure 5)
  forM_ files (expireFile uri)

usageMessage :: IO ()
usageMessage = do
  hPutStrLn stderr $ "Usage: expireGititCache base-url [file..]\n" ++
    "Example: expireGititCache http://localhost:5001 page1.page foo/bar.hs"
  exitWith (ExitFailure 1)

expireFile :: URI -> FilePath -> IO ()
expireFile uri file = do
  let path' = if takeExtension file == ".page"
                 then dropExtension file
                 else file
  let uri' = uri{uriPath = "/_expire/" ++ urlEncode path'}
  resResp <- simpleHTTP Request{rqURI = uri', rqMethod = POST,
rqHeaders = [], rqBody = ""}
  case resResp of
       Left connErr    -> error $ show connErr
       Right (Response (2,0,0) _ _ _) -> return ()
       _ -> do
         hPutStrLn stderr ("Request for " ++ show uri' ++ " did not
return success status")
         exitWith (ExitFailure 3)


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