[darcs-users] darcs patch: Simpler types for changes --summary. (and 2 more)

Trent W. Buck twb at cybersource.com.au
Mon Aug 24 02:17:40 UTC 2009

Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net> writes:

> You can shoot yourself in the foot by replacing more than you really
> intended, but I don't think it's any worse than using the
> search-replace-all functionality of your text editor.

It's worse because of commutation.  If I do

    sed --in-place 's/foo/bar/' *.c

I can then visually inspect the diff, be satisfied that I haven't
accidentally missed out 2*foo (false negative) or replaced fooBaz with
barBaz (false positive).

But if I make a darcs replace patch, and then later merge in someone
else's older code that *adds in* a 2*foo and a fooBaz where there
weren't any before, then maybe there will be NEW false positives or
negatives that I didn't notice, because the replacement is effectively
being done on code I never checked.

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