[darcs-users] darcs patch: Resolve issue1578: Don't put newlines in the Haskeline prompts.

Trent W. Buck trentbuck at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 06:54:34 UTC 2009

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 11:19:19PM -0700, Judah Jacobson wrote:
>> I'm not applying it immediately because I first want to hear
>> Judah's views on handling "stty -echo" directly in haskeline (I
>> suspect it's not as trivial as it sounds).
> Haskeline relies on echoing already being off so that it can detect
> that it's inside an emacs-shell-like environment and behave
> correctly.  (This is tricky to get right because "M-x shell"
> pretends to be a terminal but does not, e.g., provide unbuffered
> input to programs run inside of it.)

Wouldn't it be better to check TERM=dumb (or even $EMACS and
$INSIDE_EMACS) for that?

> So I think the best way to resolve this is:
> 1) Apply my patch which makes the stty echo issues more benign; now,
> the only problem that can occur is for user input to be printed twice.
>  (This is the same behavior as bash.)

Agreed; will do.

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