[darcs-users] darcs patch: Replace our (///) function with filepath's (</>) in Da...

Petr Rockai me at mornfall.net
Wed Feb 18 10:36:20 UTC 2009

Replace our (///) function with filepath's (</>) in Darcs.Resolution
> +import System.FilePath.Posix ( (</>) )

> hunk ./src/Darcs/Resolution.lhs 35
>  import Control.Monad ( when )
> +
(what was the policy about unrelated whitespace  cleanups? :P)

> hunk ./src/Darcs/Resolution.lhs 207
>                          -> IO ()
>  externally_resolve_file c da d1 d2 dm (fa, f1, f2, fm) = do
>      putStrLn $ "Merging file "++fm++" by hand."
> -    ec <- run c [('1', d1///f1), ('2', d2///f2), ('a', da///fa), ('o', dm///fm), ('%', "%")]
> +    ec <- run c [('1', d1</>f1), ('2', d2</>f2), ('a', da</>fa), ('o', dm</>fm), ('%', "%")]
>      when (ec /= ExitSuccess) $
>           putStrLn $ "External merge command exited with " ++ show ec
>      askUser "Hit return to move on, ^C to abort the whole operation..."
> hunk ./src/Darcs/Resolution.lhs 223
>                                   exec command args (Null,Null,Null)
>            rr [] = return ExitSuccess
> -(///) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
> -d /// f = d ++ "/" ++ f
> -

Reviewed-By: Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>
Acked-By: Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>

(Hm. Did I just use kernel-style review/ack comments?)


Peter Rockai | me()mornfall!net | prockai()redhat!com
 http://blog.mornfall.net | http://web.mornfall.net

"In My Egotistical Opinion, most people's C programs should be
 indented six feet downward and covered with dirt."
     -- Blair P. Houghton on the subject of C program indentation

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