[darcs-users] darcs patch: omit whitespace output when there?is no difference

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Thu Jan 15 01:06:31 UTC 2009

Dan Pascu writes:

 > I can understand why significant changes should not go into a
 > release the day before it is going out, but come on, even not
 > knowing Haskell I can still read that the patch does nothing more
 > than use putDoc instead of putDocLn (which is putDoc plus an extra
 > line). Such trivial bug fixes

There's no such thing.  If it changes behavior, it can break things.

Users who care enough about the "trivial" fixes can indeed build from
source.  Why risk breaking things for *everybody* or delaying the
release for *everybody* for a "fix" that isn't very important anyway?

Also, if it's so important to you to have a "release" with this fix in
it, you can do it yourself.  It's not that much effort, and you'll get
some data about whether the users care and how risky it actually is
for this project.  It was way too risky for mine, but YMMV.

I-still-have-the-brown-bag-from-letting-in-just-one-trivial-bugfix-ly y'rs

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