[darcs-users] dvcs article

Max Battcher me at worldmaker.net
Sun Jan 25 05:42:33 UTC 2009

Tommy Pettersson wrote:
> Here's an interesting article comparing SVK, monotone, darcs,
> Git, Mercurial, and Bazaar.
>   http://ldn.linuxfoundation.org/article/dvcs-round-one-system-rule-them-all-part-1

Just got around to reading the article...

«Another drawback is the complete lack of alternative user interfaces. 
There is no GUI, no TortoiseSVN-like Explorer integration on Windows and 
no Eclipse support either, as far as I know.»

Someone should probably inform the author of TortoiseDarcs, although the 
author can probably be excused as I'm guessing the article may have been 
written in that interregnum where TortoiseDarcs didn't support darcs 2.

I do wonder why the author didn't find any of the available third party 
darcs GUIs (such as darcswork).  I don't think he explored the Wiki. 
(Possibly another tacit +1 that we need better Wiki-vertisement for 3rd 
Party darcs tools.)  Maybe he was looking for an officially bundled one? 
  I know git bundles one (gitk -- if you can call it a GUI), but I don't 
think hg, monotone, or SVK do...  Any idea why this stands out as a 
darcs issue but is not as big a deal for the other SCSs?

Also, when was the last time EclipseDarcs was updated?  Is it still 
alive?  Hmm, the domain (eclipsedarcs.org) appears to have lapsed and 
the SourceForge project shows no major activity in 2 years.  Ouch. 
(That might be a project worth reviving by somebody, but I personally 
don't use Eclipse so I have no idea if anyone actually cares.)

The author harks on branch support twice in his section about darcs... 
I'm curious why it had such an impact on the author...  I guess darcs 
just sticks out as the only one reviewed without in-repo branch support.

--Max Battcher--

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