[darcs-users] darcs weekly news #34

Guillaume Hoffmann guillaumh at gmail.com
Sun Jul 5 11:46:18 UTC 2009

News and discussions
1. Petr Rockai announced availability of Darcs 2.3 beta 1, via regular
   download and cabal install:
 * http://lists.osuosl.org/pipermail/darcs-users/2009-June/020275.html

2. Petr Rockai's fast darcs Summer of Code progess reports 5 and 6:
 * http://web.mornfall.net/blog/soc_progress_5.html
 * http://web.mornfall.net/blog/soc_progress_6.html

Issues resolved in the last week (0)

Patches applied in the last week (17)
2009-06-29 benjamin.franksen at bessy.de
 - allow package HTTP version up to < 4000.1

2009-06-28 Petr Rockai
 - Add a TODO comment to the inefficient look-for-adds implementation.

2009-06-29 Thorkil Naur
 - Fix flag(http) test for darcs executable

2009-06-26 Trent W. Buck
 - Remove unused binding.
 - Add type signature for Darcs.Commands.ShowIndex.dump.
 - Keep GHC quiet about orphaned typeclass instances in Darcs.Gorsvet.
 - Avoid shadow binding in Darcs.Gorsvet.
 - Add type signature for Darcs.Gorsvet.floatFn.
 - Remove unused import.

2009-06-23 Petr Rockai
 - Bump version to
 - Avoid getSymbolicLinkStatus in mmap implementation, works around
GHC 6.8.2 bug.
 - Make "darcs clone" a hidden alias for "darcs get".
 - Cut down descriptions, so that darcs help does not wrap on an 80-column TTY.
 - Put blank lines between command groups in "darcs help".

2009-06-21 Trent W. Buck
 - Extended DARCS_GET_FOO example.
 - Remove documentation for long-gone $DARCS_WGET environment variable.

2009-06-18 Eric Kow
 - Haddock encode_white and decode_white.

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