[darcs-users] darcs 2.3 beta 1: configure fails with GHC 6.8.3 on FreeBSD

Eric Kow kowey at darcs.net
Thu Jul 9 12:24:48 UTC 2009

On Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 13:16:34 +0100, Eric Kow wrote:
> Also, Trent, I think the README may be a little out of date.  Could
> you please freshen it up?

Oh nevermind, looks like Petr got to that in his beta branch.

> PS: I sometimes wish "Cabal" the library would be called "cabal-core"
> and that "cabal-install" would be called "cabal", which I think would
> end any confusion about about the relationship between the two.

This is probably one of those false "good" ideas with all sorts of
hidden costs (for example, what does it mean when you have .cabal
files? do we still talk about Cabal packages?  Would you necessarily
need to use this "cabal" command to install them, etc?).  I guess we're
stuck with the status quo.

Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
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