[darcs-users] Darcs Manual

Trent W. Buck twb at cybersource.com.au
Wed Jul 22 05:18:23 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 01:02:28AM -0400, Max Battcher wrote:
> As for the "non-standard" directives, I don't think it would result
> in "lock in". ReST was designed for "extension" directives and
> theoretically other reST parsers should allow for extension plugins
> to support new directives.

Granted.  What I meant was that if you say "sphinxInclude" (I forget
the actual directive) instead of "include", then that basically gets
ignored and the result is that building a sphinxized document with a
non-sphinx thing results in only the top-level file being rendered.

> Worst case, the reST using those directives won't work and will need
> to be rewritten and I don't think that will be a horrible problem.

Right; (nowadays) I'm happy to worry about that later.

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