[darcs-users] darcs patch: Make utf8-string mandatory. (and 1 more)

Ganesh Sittampalam ganesh at earth.li
Tue Jul 28 19:31:19 UTC 2009

On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Trent W. Buck wrote:

> Ah, sorry for the inadvertent slander.  With your permission, I will
> copy your remarks above to the aforementioned Debian bug (#538098).


> I note that that Darcs currently asks for 0.5.1, but you talk about
> 0.5.2 above.  Is there a typo somewhere?

0.5.1 was never released, but existed in the darcs repo (though it was not 
tagged). I was developing against it so I think that if that version was 
installed from darcs or whatever it would work fine. I can't see anyone 
doing it, though.



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