[darcs-users] darcs patch: Add tests for email header formatting (and 2 more)

Eric Kow kowey at darcs.net
Sun Mar 15 18:03:47 UTC 2009

Hi Petr,

Could I get the final go-ahead on this one, please?


On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 17:46:41 +0100, Reinier Lamers wrote:
> Resolve oversight (an import line in External.hs), and a conflict with
> Trent's changes. And a wake-up call to potential reviewers :)
> Mon Mar  9 21:37:39 CET 2009  Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>
>   * Add tests for email header formatting
> Sun Mar 15 16:21:04 CET 2009  Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>
>   * resolve issue1358: encode non-ASCII characters in mail headers
> Sun Mar 15 17:22:54 CET 2009  Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>
>   * Kill unused imports in External.hs

Add tests for email header formatting
> Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090309203739
>  Ignore-this: 1f0357f84f64446d4f4d8ea98b05b383
> ] hunk ./src/unit.lhs 53
>  import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
>  import ByteStringUtils
>  import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC ( unpack, pack )
> -import qualified Data.ByteString as B ( empty, concat )
> +import qualified Data.ByteString as B ( empty, concat, length, unpack, foldr,
> +                                        cons, ByteString, null, filter, head )
> +import Data.Char ( isPrint )
>  import Darcs.Patch
>  import Darcs.Patch.Test
>  import Darcs.Patch.Unit ( run_patch_unit_tests )
> hunk ./src/unit.lhs 71
>  import Control.Monad.ST
>  import Darcs.Ordered
>  import Darcs.Sealed ( Sealed(Sealed), unsafeUnseal )
> +import Darcs.Email ( make_email, read_email, formatHeader )
> hunk ./src/unit.lhs 73
> -import Darcs.Email ( make_email, read_email )
>  #include "impossible.h"
>  \end{code}
> hunk ./src/unit.lhs 103
>                BC.unpack (read_email (renderPS
>                         $ make_email "reponame" [] (Just (text "contents\n"))
>                         (text $ unlines s) (Just "filename")))
> +  putStr "Checking email header line length... "
> +  quickCheck email_header_no_long_lines
> +  putStr "Checking email for illegal characters... "
> +  quickCheck email_header_ascii_chars
> +  putStr "Checking for spaces at beginning of folded email header lines... "
> +  quickCheck email_header_lines_start
> +  putStr "Checking that there are no empty lines in email headers... "
> +  quickCheck email_header_no_empty_lines
>    --putStr $ test_patch
>    --exitWith ExitSuccess
>    case run_tests returnval of
> hunk ./src/unit.lhs 238
>      = (thetest p1 p2)++(pair_unit_tester thetest ps)
>  \end{code}
> +\chapter{Email format tests}
> +
> +These tests check whether the emails generated by darcs meet a few criteria.
> +We check for line length and non-ASCII characters. We apparently do not have to
> +check for CR-LF newlines because that's handled by sendmail.
> +
> +\begin{code}
> +
> +-- Check that formatHeader never creates lines longer  than 78 characters
> +-- (excluding the carriage return and line feed)
> +email_header_no_long_lines :: String -> String -> Bool
> +email_header_no_long_lines field value =
> +    not $ any (>78) $ map B.length $ bs_lines $ formatHeader cleanField value 
> +  where cleanField = clean_field_string field
> +
> +bs_lines :: B.ByteString -> [B.ByteString]
> +bs_lines = finalizeFold . B.foldr splitAtLines (B.empty, [])
> +  where splitAtLines 10 (thisLine, prevLines) = (B.empty, thisLine:prevLines)
> +        splitAtLines c  (thisLine, prevLines) = (B.cons c thisLine, prevLines)
> +        finalizeFold (lastLine, otherLines) = lastLine : otherLines
> +
> +-- Check that an email header does not contain non-ASCII characters
> +-- formatHeader doesn't escape field names, there is no such thing as non-ascii
> +-- field names afaik
> +email_header_ascii_chars :: String -> String -> Bool
> +email_header_ascii_chars field value 
> +    = not (any (>127) (B.unpack (formatHeader cleanField value)))
> +  where cleanField = clean_field_string field
> +
> +-- Check that header the second and later lines of a header start with a space
> +email_header_lines_start :: String -> String -> Bool
> +email_header_lines_start field value =
> +    all (\l -> B.null l || B.head l == 32) (tail headerLines)
> +  where headerLines = bs_lines (formatHeader cleanField value)
> +        cleanField  = clean_field_string field
> +
> +-- Checks that there are no lines in email headers with only whitespace
> +email_header_no_empty_lines :: String -> String -> Bool
> +email_header_no_empty_lines field value =
> +    all (not . B.null . B.filter (not . (`elem` [10, 32, 9]))) headerLines
> +  where headerLines = bs_lines (formatHeader cleanField value)
> +        cleanField  = clean_field_string field
> +
> +clean_field_string :: String -> String
> +clean_field_string = filter (\c -> isPrint c && c < '\x80' && c /= ':')
> +
> +\end{code}
> +
>  \chapter{LCS}
>  Here are a few quick tests of the shiftBoundaries function.
> addfile ./tests/emailformat.sh
> hunk ./tests/emailformat.sh 1
> +#!/usr/bin/env bash
> +
> +set -ev
> +# TODO: is this really enough to make all commands interpret the given strings 
> +# as latin1?
> +export LANG="en_US.ISO-8859-1"
> +
> +rm -rf temp1
> +rm -rf temp2
> +mkdir temp1
> +mkdir temp2
> +cd temp1
> +
> +seventysevenaddy="<aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa at bbbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc.abrasoft.com>"
> +
> +darcs init
> +
> +echo "Have you seen the sm?rrebr?d of Ren? ?av?sant?" > non_ascii_file
> +darcs add non_ascii_file
> +darcs record -am "non-ascii file add" -A test
> +
> +cd ../temp2
> +darcs init
> +cd ../temp1
> +
> +# long email adress: check that email adresses of <= 77 chars don't get split up
> +darcs send --from="Kj?lt ?berstr?m $seventysevenaddy" \
> +           --subject "Un patch pour le r?positoire" \
> +           --to="Un gar?on fran?ais <garcon at francais.fr>" \
> +           --sendmail-command='cp /dev/stdin mail_as_file %<' \
> +           -a ../temp2
> +
> +cat mail_as_file
> +# The long mail address should be in there as a whole
> +grep $seventysevenaddy mail_as_file
> +
> +# Check that there are no non-ASCII characters in the mail
> +ghc -e 'getContents >>= return . not . any (> Data.Char.chr 127)' < mail_as_file | grep '^True$'
> +
> +
> +cd ..
> +rm -rf temp1
> +rm -rf temp2
> +

resolve issue1358: encode non-ASCII characters in mail headers
> Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090315152104
>  Ignore-this: 1006f69ae92586298ab4949813b0f288
> ] hunk ./src/Darcs/Email.hs 3
>  {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
>  {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
> -module Darcs.Email ( make_email, read_email ) where
> +module Darcs.Email ( make_email, read_email, formatHeader ) where
> hunk ./src/Darcs/Email.hs 5
> -import Data.Char ( digitToInt, isHexDigit )
> +import Data.Char ( digitToInt, isHexDigit, ord, intToDigit, isPrint, toUpper )
> +import Data.List ( isInfixOf )
> +import qualified UTF8 ( encode )
>  import Printer ( Doc, ($$), (<+>), (<>), text, empty, packedString, renderPS)
>  import ByteStringUtils (dropSpace, linesPS, betweenLinesPS )
> hunk ./src/Darcs/Email.hs 11
> -import qualified Data.ByteString          as B  (ByteString, length, null, tail, drop, head)
> +import qualified Data.ByteString          as B  (ByteString, length, null, tail
> +                                                ,drop, head, concat, singleton
> +                                                ,pack, append, empty
> +                                                )
>  import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8    as BC (index, head, pack)
>  #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 606
>  import Data.ByteString.Internal as B (c2w, createAndTrim)
> hunk ./src/Darcs/Email.hs 26
>  import Foreign.Storable ( poke )
>  import Data.Word ( Word8 )
> -line_max :: Int
> -line_max = 75
> +-- line_max is maximum number of characters in an e-mail line excluding the CRLF
> +-- at the end. qline_max is the number of characters in a q-encoded or
> +-- quoted-printable-encoded line.
> +line_max, qline_max :: Int
> +line_max  = 78
> +qline_max = 75
> +
> +-- | Formats an e-mail header by encoding any non-ascii characters using UTF-8
> +--   and Q-encoding, and folding lines at appropriate points. It doesn't do
> +--   more than that, so the header name and header value should be
> +--   well-formatted give or take line length and encoding. So no non-ASCII
> +--   characters within quoted-string, quoted-pair, or atom; no semantically
> +--   meaningful signs in names; no non-ASCII characters in the header name;
> +--   etcetera.
> +formatHeader :: String -> String -> B.ByteString
> +formatHeader headerName headerValue =
> +    B.append nameColon encodedValue
> +  where nameColon = B.pack (map B.c2w (headerName ++ ":")) -- space for folding
> +        encodedValue = fold_and_encode (' ':headerValue)
> +                                       (B.length nameColon) False False
> +
> +-- run through a string and encode non-ascii words and fold where appropriate.
> +-- the integer argument is the current position in the current line.
> +-- the string in the first argument must begin with whitespace, or be empty.
> +fold_and_encode :: String -> Int -> Bool -> Bool -> B.ByteString
> +fold_and_encode [] _ _               _         = B.empty
> +fold_and_encode s  p lastWordEncoded inMidWord = 
> +  let newline  = B.singleton 10
> +      space    = B.singleton 32
> +      s2bs     = B.pack . map B.c2w
> +      -- the twelve there is the max number of ASCII chars to encode a single
> +      -- character: 4 * 3, 4 UTF-8 bytes times 3 ASCII chars per byte
> +      safeEncChunkLength = (qline_max - B.length encoded_word_start
> +                                      - B.length encoded_word_end) `div` 12
> +      (curSpace, afterCurSpace) = break (not . (== ' ')) s
> +      (curWord,  afterCurWord)  = break (== ' ') afterCurSpace
> +      qEncWord | lastWordEncoded = qEncode (curSpace ++ curWord)
> +               | otherwise       = qEncode curWord
> +      mustEncode = inMidWord
> +                   || any (\c -> not (isPrint c) || (ord c) > 127) curWord
> +                   || length curWord > line_max - 1
> +                   || isInfixOf "=?" curWord
> +      mustFold
> +        | mustEncode && lastWordEncoded
> +            = p + 1 + B.length qEncWord > line_max
> +        | mustEncode
> +            = p + length curSpace + B.length qEncWord > line_max
> +        | otherwise
> +            = p + length curSpace + length curWord > line_max
> +      mustSplit = (B.length qEncWord > qline_max && mustEncode)
> +                  || length curWord > line_max - 1
> +      spaceToInsert | mustEncode && lastWordEncoded = space
> +                    | otherwise                     = s2bs curSpace
> +      wordToInsert
> +        | mustEncode && mustSplit = qEncode (take safeEncChunkLength curWord)
> +        | mustEncode = qEncWord
> +        | otherwise  = s2bs curWord
> +      doneChunk | mustFold  = B.concat [newline, spaceToInsert, wordToInsert]
> +                | otherwise = B.concat [spaceToInsert, wordToInsert]
> +      (rest, nextP)
> +        | mustSplit
> +            = (drop safeEncChunkLength curWord ++ afterCurWord, qline_max + 1)
> +        | mustEncode && mustFold 
> +            = (afterCurWord, B.length spaceToInsert + B.length wordToInsert)
> +        | otherwise
> +            = (afterCurWord, p + B.length doneChunk)
> +  in B.append doneChunk (fold_and_encode rest nextP mustEncode mustSplit)
> +
> +-- | Turns a piece of string into a q-encoded block
> +--   Applies q-encoding, for use in e-mail header values, as defined in RFC 2047.
> +--   It just takes a string and builds an encoded-word from it, it does not check
> +--   length or necessity.
> +qEncode :: String -> B.ByteString
> +qEncode s = B.concat [encoded_word_start,
> +                      encodedString,
> +                      encoded_word_end]
> +  where encodedString =  B.concat (map q_encode_char s)
> +
> +encoded_word_start, encoded_word_end :: B.ByteString
> +encoded_word_start = B.pack (map B.c2w "=?UTF-8?Q?")
> +encoded_word_end   = B.pack (map B.c2w "?=")
> +
> +-- turns a character into its q-encoded bytestring value. For most printable
> +-- ASCII characters, that's just the singleton bytestring with that char.
> +q_encode_char :: Char -> B.ByteString
> +q_encode_char c
> +    | c == ' '                          = c2bs '_'
> +    | isPrint c
> +      && not (c `elem` ['?', '=', '_'])
> +      && ord c < 128                    = c2bs c
> +    | otherwise                         = B.concat (map qbyte (UTF8.encode [c]))
> +  where c2bs = B.singleton . B.c2w
> +        -- qbyte turns a byte into its q-encoded "=hh" representation
> +        qbyte b = B.pack (map B.c2w ['='
> +                                    ,word8ToUDigit (b `div` 16)
> +                                    ,word8ToUDigit (b `mod` 16)
> +                                    ])
> +        word8ToUDigit :: Word8 -> Char
> +        word8ToUDigit = toUpper . intToDigit . fromIntegral
>  -- TODO is this doing mime encoding??
>  qpencode :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
> hunk ./src/Darcs/Email.hs 130
>  qpencode s = unsafePerformIO
>             -- Really only (3 + 2/75) * length or something in the worst case
> -           $ B.createAndTrim (4 * B.length s) (\buf -> encode s line_max buf 0)
> +           $ B.createAndTrim (4 * B.length s) (\buf -> encode s qline_max buf 0)
>  encode :: B.ByteString -> Int -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Int
>  encode ps _ _ bufi | B.null ps = return bufi
> hunk ./src/Darcs/Email.hs 137
>  encode ps n buf bufi = case B.head ps of
>    c | c == newline ->
>          do poke (buf `plusPtr` bufi) newline
> -           encode ps' line_max buf (bufi+1)
> +           encode ps' qline_max buf (bufi+1)
>      | n == 0 && B.length ps > 1 ->
>          do poke (buf `plusPtr` bufi) equals
>             poke (buf `plusPtr` (bufi+1)) newline
> hunk ./src/Darcs/Email.hs 141
> -           encode ps line_max buf (bufi + 2)
> +           encode ps qline_max buf (bufi + 2)
>      | (c == tab || c == space) ->
>          if B.null ps' || B.head ps' == newline
>          then do poke (buf `plusPtr` bufi) c
> hunk ./src/Darcs/Email.hs 147
>                  poke (buf `plusPtr` (bufi+1)) equals
>                  poke (buf `plusPtr` (bufi+2)) newline
> -                encode ps' line_max buf (bufi + 3)
> +                encode ps' qline_max buf (bufi + 3)
>          else do poke (buf `plusPtr` bufi) c
>                  encode ps' (n - 1) buf (bufi + 1)
>      | (c >= bang && c /= equals && c <= tilde) ->
> hunk ./src/Darcs/External.hs 60
>  import ByteStringUtils (gzReadFilePS, linesPS, unlinesPS)
>  import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString, empty, null, readFile -- ratify readFile: Just an import from ByteString
>              ,hGetContents, writeFile, hPut, length -- ratify hGetContents: importing from ByteString
> -            ,take, concat, drop, isPrefixOf)
> +            ,take, concat, drop, isPrefixOf, singleton, append)
>  import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack, pack)
>  import Darcs.Lock ( withTemp, withOpenTemp, tempdir_loc, removeFileMayNotExist )
> hunk ./src/Darcs/External.hs 83
>  import Printer ( Doc, Printers, putDocLnWith, hPutDoc, hPutDocLn, hPutDocWith, ($$), (<+>), renderPS,
>                   simplePrinters,
>                   text, empty, packedString, vcat, renderString )
> +import Darcs.Email ( formatHeader )
> +#include "impossible.h"
>  sendmail_path :: IO String
>  sendmail_path = do
> hunk ./src/Darcs/External.hs 421
>      -> Doc     -- ^ body
>      -> IO ()
>  generateEmail h f t s cc body = do
> -     hPutDocLn h $
> -           text "To:"      <+> text t
> -        $$ text "From:"    <+> text f
> -        $$ text "Subject:" <+> text s
> -        $$ formated_cc
> -        $$ text "X-Mail-Originator: Darcs Version Control System"
> -        $$ text ("X-Darcs-Version: " ++ darcs_version)
> -        $$ body
> -  where formated_cc = if cc == ""
> -                      then empty
> -                      else text "Cc:" <+> text cc
> +     putHeader "To" t
> +     putHeader "From" f
> +     putHeader "Subject" s
> +     when (not (null cc)) (putHeader "Cc" cc)
> +     putHeader "X-Mail-Originator" "Darcs Version Control System"
> +     hPutDocLn h body
> +  where putHeader field value
> +            = B.hPut h (B.append (formatHeader field value) newline)
> +        newline = B.singleton 10
>  have_sendmail :: IO Bool
>  have_sendmail = (sendmail_path >> return True) `catch` (\_ -> return False)

Kill unused imports in External.hs
> Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090315162254
>  Ignore-this: 216f740bf207738dfda5939f68ce9f5b
> ] hunk ./src/Darcs/External.hs 65
>  import Darcs.Lock ( withTemp, withOpenTemp, tempdir_loc, removeFileMayNotExist )
>  import CommandLine ( parseCmd, addUrlencoded )
> -import ThisVersion ( darcs_version )
>  #if defined(HAVE_CURL) || defined(HAVE_HTTP)
>  import URL ( copyUrl, copyUrlFirst, waitUrl )
>  #else
> hunk ./src/Darcs/External.hs 79
>  import Exec ( exec, Redirect(..), withoutNonBlock )
>  import Darcs.URL ( is_file, is_url, is_ssh )
>  import Darcs.Utils ( catchall )
> -import Printer ( Doc, Printers, putDocLnWith, hPutDoc, hPutDocLn, hPutDocWith, ($$), (<+>), renderPS,
> +import Printer ( Doc, Printers, putDocLnWith, hPutDoc, hPutDocLn, hPutDocWith, ($$), renderPS,
>                   simplePrinters,
>                   text, empty, packedString, vcat, renderString )
>  import Darcs.Email ( formatHeader )
> hunk ./src/Darcs/External.hs 83
> -#include "impossible.h"
>  sendmail_path :: IO String
>  sendmail_path = do

Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
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