[darcs-users] darcs patch: Resolve issue1162: makeAbsolute is now a total function

Ben Franksen benjamin.franksen at bessy.de
Sat Mar 28 23:04:42 UTC 2009

Trent W. Buck wrote:
> ben.franksen at online.de writes:
>> Sat Mar 28 00:18:21 CET 2009  ben.franksen at online.de
>>   * Resolve issue1162: makeAbsolute is now a total function
> AFAICT this should also move bugs/issue1162_add_nonexistent_slash.sh
> into tests/.

I'll follow up with this. And some more cleanup and docs, see below.

>>  simpleSubPath :: FilePath -> Maybe SubPath
>> -simpleSubPath x | is_relative x = Just $ SubPath $ FilePath.normalise $
>> map cleanup x +simpleSubPath x | null x = bug "simpleSubPath called with
>> empty path"
>> +                | is_relative x = Just $ SubPath $ FilePath.normalise $
>> map cleanup x
>>                  | otherwise = Nothing
>>  makeAbsolute :: AbsolutePath -> FilePath -> AbsolutePath
>> -makeAbsolute a dir = if is_absolute dir
>> +makeAbsolute a dir = if not (null dir) && is_absolute dir
>>                       then AbsolutePath $
>>                            slashes ++ FilePath.normalise cleandir
>>                       else ma a $ FilePath.normalise cleandir
> Would makeAbsolute be more readable if it used guard style, as
> simpleSubPath does above?

Not w/o further changes (note the following where-clause). But there are
other simplifications I want to make, maybe this one falls out as a side

> Finally, if you understand the functions you're modifying, adding a
> haddock comment for each one would be greatly appreciated.

Will try my best. It's kinda like reverse engineering, really. IMO this
whole file path handling should be re-written from scratch. But for that we
would need some precise spec for what is required by the rest of the
program. I have the feeling nobody knows for sure.


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