[darcs-users] darcs weekly news #28

Trent W. Buck trentbuck at gmail.com
Wed May 13 01:49:32 UTC 2009

Simon Michael <simon at joyful.com> writes:

> Resolve these open issues created or commented by GHC folk (add others
> if you know them):
> Simon Peyton-Jones (8):
> http://bugs.darcs.net/issue?%40search_text=simonpj&title=&%40columns=title&topic=&id=&%40columns=id&%40sort=id&creation=&%40columns=creation&creator=&%40columns=creator&activity=&%40columns=activity&actor=&nosy=&priority=&%40group=priority&status=-1%2C1%2C2%2C3%2C4%2C5%2C6%2C16&%40columns=status&assignedto=&%40columns=assignedto&%40pagesize=50&%40startwith=0&%40sortdir=on&%40queryname=&%40old-queryname=&%40action=search

Wow, those are long URLs (silly roundup web UI)!  Here's how I list the
open tickets created by any of those three users using ru[0]:

  $ ru list '@filter=status,creator&status=-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,16&creator=igloo,simonpj,simonmar'
  99,wish: Memory-suite
  124,wish: performance of darcs changes <file>
  183,wish: moves should appear in a replay-able order in --summary ou
  829,pull => bug in get_extra commuting patch
  928,pull => exits 512
  965,pull =>openBinaryFile: permission denied (2.0.0)
  1022,"spurious ""R binary file"" in whatsnew"
  1029,truncated progress reports can be confusing
  1030,pull => takeFile filename-0 in pristine: openFd: does not exist
  1036,"darcs ought to report connection failures as such, and not as 
  1068,annotate stack overflow
  1202,darcs whatsnew significantly slower on a hashed repository (cac
  1452,pull => renameFile: permission denied (2.2.1)
  1453,case insensitivity and inconsistent state

Actually, you can trick ru into doing it shorter, since "ru mine"
reports both open tickets you created or are assigned to work on:

  $ RU_USER=igloo,simonpj,simonmar ru mine

Note that I'm not searching for tickets that contain the *words* igloo,
simonmar or simonpj.  So you may get false positives/negatives.  Ideally
we'd search for any tickets for which those users are stakeholders
(i.e. in the nosy list), but that requires a roundup extension that
isn't installed yet.

[0] ru is my little roundup interface script, available at


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