[darcs-users] darcs patch: Resolve issue1447

mf-hcafe-15c311f0c at etc-network.de mf-hcafe-15c311f0c at etc-network.de
Wed Oct 7 13:56:08 UTC 2009

Hi all,

attached a trivial patch that should close issue 1447.  I created it
with "darcs send -O" (no luck yet convincing msmtp-enqueue.sh to
cooperate with darcs).  Please instruct if I need to do anything else.

-------------- next part --------------
Wed Oct  7 14:58:40 CEST 2009  mf-hcafe-15c311f0c at etc-network.de
  * Resolve issue1447: inconsistent online help fixed (trivial)

New patches:

[Resolve issue1447: inconsistent online help fixed (trivial)
mf-hcafe-15c311f0c at etc-network.de**20091007125840
 Ignore-this: 9cfb527944071dff03d3eab4c37b09d6
] hunk ./src/Darcs/Arguments.lhs 43
                          patchname_option, distname_option,
                          logfile, rmlogfile, from_opt, subject, get_subject,
                          in_reply_to, get_in_reply_to,
-                         target, cc, get_cc, output, output_auto_name,
+                         target, cc_send, cc_apply, get_cc, output, output_auto_name,
                          recursive, inventory_choices, get_inventory_choices,
                          askdeps, ignoretimes, lookforadds,
hunk ./src/Darcs/Arguments.lhs 476
   ask_long_comment, match_one_nontag, changes_reverse, creatorhash,
   changes_format, match_one_context, happy_forwarding, send_to_context,
   diff_cmd_flag, store_in_memory, use_external_merge,
-  pull_conflict_options, target, cc, apply_conflict_options, reply, xmloutput,
+  pull_conflict_options, target, cc_send, cc_apply, apply_conflict_options, reply, xmloutput,
   distname_option, patchname_option, edit_description,
   output, output_auto_name, unidiff, repo_combinator,
   unified, summary, uncompress_nocompress, subject, in_reply_to,
hunk ./src/Darcs/Arguments.lhs 871
           "do patch application in memory rather than on disk"
 target = DarcsArgOption [] ["to"] Target "EMAIL" "specify destination email"
-cc = DarcsArgOption [] ["cc"] Cc "EMAIL" "mail results to additional EMAIL(s). Requires --reply"
+cc_send = DarcsArgOption [] ["cc"] Cc "EMAIL" "mail results to additional EMAIL(s)"
+cc_apply = DarcsArgOption [] ["cc"] Cc "EMAIL" "mail results to additional EMAIL(s). Requires --reply"
 -- |'get_cc' takes a list of flags and returns the addresses to send a copy of
 -- the patch bundle to when using @darcs send at .
hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Apply.lhs 48
                         dry_run, print_dry_run_message_and_exit,
                         set_scripts_executable, restrict_paths
-import qualified Darcs.Arguments as DarcsArguments ( cc )
+import qualified Darcs.Arguments as DarcsArguments ( cc_apply )
 import Darcs.RepoPath ( toFilePath, useAbsoluteOrStd )
 import Darcs.Repository ( SealedPatchSet, withRepoLock, ($-), amInRepository,
hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Apply.lhs 125
                       command_prereq = amInRepository,
                       command_get_arg_possibilities = list_files,
                       command_argdefaults = const stdindefault,
-                      command_advanced_options = [reply, DarcsArguments.cc,
+                      command_advanced_options = [reply, DarcsArguments.cc_apply,
                                                   ignoretimes, nocompress,
hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Send.lhs 41
                          edit_description, logfile, rmlogfile,
                          sign, get_subject, deps_sel, get_in_reply_to,
                          match_several, set_default, output_auto_name,
-                         output, cc, subject, target, author, sendmail_cmd,
+                         output, cc_send, subject, target, author, sendmail_cmd,
                          in_reply_to, remote_repo, network_options,
                          all_interactive, get_sendmail_cmd,
hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Send.lhs 130
                      command_basic_options = [match_several, deps_sel,
                                               from_opt, author,
-                                              target,cc,subject, in_reply_to,
-                                              output,output_auto_name,sign]
+                                              target, cc_send, subject, in_reply_to,
+                                              output, output_auto_name, sign]
                                               set_default, working_repo_dir,


[Resolve issue1583: on darcs get, suggest upgrading source repo to hashed.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090923210811
 Ignore-this: a4b801876ff76674a110f5c63388d68a
[added regression test for issue1632
benjamin.franksen at bessy.de**20091002095359
 Ignore-this: 4a0a48021f54d7a3f8def74b1c798652
[Marginalia regarding TeX documentation.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20091003082621
 Ignore-this: c204ce845db6b83b1d2ddf5dba2f1a31
[Avoid fugly "tests_network-.dir".
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20091002085528
 Ignore-this: aa807dad285ad2b9e7a06b5fffa0b4ca
[Fix plurality in a docstring.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20091002075501
 Ignore-this: e6583c262335a0cb34a29aa1d3a01141
[Mention darcs changes --repo.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20091002075336
 Ignore-this: 4342a066405b3f900b4356ab17c50534
 This handy bit of functionality should be more discoverable.
 I only found it mentioned in passing in one of droundy's bug reports.
[Partially rewrite "darcs apply" help.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090920115824
 Ignore-this: 92686c3bffc4beb6fad702967346b86a
[Partially rewrite "darcs annotate" help.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090920102314
 Ignore-this: b6bc982424ac641c35085f0a0c6bb97f
[Also test for apply posthook in issue942.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090930221536
 Ignore-this: b716d577e2f9423e03dc30d9954c6320
[Camel-case functions exported by Darcs.Patch.Choices.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090921092446
 Ignore-this: de5863ac95deabfe8bdcf35de07e0c6c
[resolve issue1620: amend lies about living logfile
Kamil Dworakowski <kamil at dworakowski.name>**20090924212910
 Ignore-this: 57028d63cd6fd3bc290cf923ccc266e3
 Remove "atexit remove" from world_readable_temp. Instead make sure that
 callers of the world_readable_temp cleanup after themselves. Only
 AmendRecord and Tag were not doing it already.
[camelCase clarify_errors
Kamil Dworakowski <kamil at dworakowski.name>**20090924204827
 Ignore-this: b54b8fa73ddb1ceb85bfb1a024eae7f4
[Resolve issue 1618: preserve log on amend failure
Kamil Dworakowski <kamil at dworakowski.name>**20090924204334
 Ignore-this: 69f14addad73eb63489220bb11dfb016
 Print a msg to the user saying where the log was saved, in case of failure.
[remove trailing whitespace
Kamil Dworakowski <kamil at dworakowski.name>**20090924185145
 Ignore-this: 6c1aeed210b96588f6730a174bda8048
[accept issue1618: amend should preserve the logfile
Kamil Dworakowski <kamil at dworakowski.name>**20090918232544
 Ignore-this: 89958db98efeeff7f59c7df847052578
 When Susan amends a patch with --edit-long-comment, she would not like to
 lose her editorial work in case of a test failure on committing.
[accept issue1620: record lies about leaving the logfile
Kamil Dworakowski <kamil at dworakowski.name>**20090918231008
 Ignore-this: 9ab7503f13d5480e9d767844310a544b
 In case of failure, record says it left the logfile in
 such and such a file. The file does not exist though.
[fix witnesses in Darcs.Commands.Remove
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090928214205
 Ignore-this: 1b8158653d00224e5972fa19458c40c8
[Option comments to the top in Split.hs for GHC 6.8.3
Thorkil Naur <naur at post11.tele.dk>**20090928201345] 
[add newly-witnessed modules to witnesses.hs
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090909200711
 Ignore-this: 5f6c6ec561586c01956c3a7ff228ab3d
[need RankNTypes for some of the newly witnessed modules
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090909200643
 Ignore-this: d9bd0724f91b6a435d75ca8d93ac24fd
[add witnesses to Darcs.Commands.Send
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090909200151
 Ignore-this: ab87388a6d4469998568784aa36087d8
[add witnesses to Darcs.Commands.Push
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090909195258
 Ignore-this: c0ce49e56d76fc29fb17a9476d95bac5
[add witnesses to Darcs.Commands.Apply
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090909194800
 Ignore-this: d7975514d3aea9b53a0b9248c2a50b06
[add witnesses to Darcs.Commands.Pull
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090909194407
 Ignore-this: 51eb38f21152e1d3d348bff37aea0ddd
[add witnesses to Darcs.Commands.TrackDown
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090909193441
 Ignore-this: 8081b7aa9856ca109b9ef41a5b24725e
[add witnesses to Darcs.Commands.Remove
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090909193405
 Ignore-this: b2b55b15428a0d174338ab5ad13d8f9b
[add witnesses to Darcs.Commands.Diff
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090909193013
 Ignore-this: 5fb4fb83967232f11dde5c62c919a531
[improve documentation of Darcs.Patch.Split
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090927211902
 Ignore-this: ae40fc26efb2e8b997ccf45eb36ec832
[clean up types in win32/System/Posix.hs
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20090329223958
 Ignore-this: 80fb3dcbc0bb296d7b7337905bcf12564f8e79f4
[Resolve issue291: add (basic) interactive patch splitting
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090919004053
 Ignore-this: 47b8c8da80f5ca5c3f86e2f11ec2192d
[Rolling back broken patch
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090923210406
 Ignore-this: 6a302cea606fa656a87140b5e2122317
 It needs type witnesses to be added to Darcs.Diff, but that patch
 hasn't been merged yet and probably won't be due to a conflict with
 rolling back:
 Mon Aug 31 00:46:47 BST 2009  Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>
   * add some QC properties that demonstrate the problem with canonizeFL
     M ./src/Darcs/Test/Patch/QuickCheck.hs -4 +61
[Fix breakage in manual introduced by darcs optimize --upgrade.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090923210341
 Ignore-this: f01f12460b26b0333da4650e6d1e485
[This patch is broken.
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090923205150
 Ignore-this: 46db0aba7910c02b3317f20fe86a2fb1
 It needs type witnesses to be added to Darcs.Diff, but that patch
 hasn't been merged yet and probably won't be due to a conflict with
 rolling back:
 Mon Aug 31 00:46:47 BST 2009  Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>
   * add some QC properties that demonstrate the problem with canonizeFL
     M ./src/Darcs/Test/Patch/QuickCheck.hs -4 +61
[Resolve issue1584: Provide optimize --upgrade command.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090922201149
 Ignore-this: e72ddff8c879de637e6a7dcb824624d6
 This can be used for an inplace upgrade to the latest hashed format.
 Right now it only handles old-fashioned => hashed, but there may be
 future format changes for which this can be reused.
[Test for issue1584, the optimize --upgrade feature.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090902060031
 Ignore-this: 5c3032156f75f224f08fa19e5311a0d3
[add some QC properties that demonstrate the problem with canonizeFL
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090830234647
 Ignore-this: 478c798414f37433b715d87ccb4e51d2
[Simplify and camel-case setSimplys.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090921075951
 Ignore-this: 296a4bbebbb5788a8049be8ed591deec
[Move make_everything_later type signature next to implementation.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090921090952
 Ignore-this: 16f11d9fcc22370927c643fdec53ab0f
[Simplify EXAMPLE.sh.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090825152531
 Ignore-this: c6e4bbb3b241b2fb0af10ae9e519fa3e
 1. Don't clean up.  When you're working on just one test, it's easier
    to figure out if the test is correct if you have access to the
    repository.  Pre-flight cleanup by all test scripts is now essential.
 2. Don't rely on --repo except for init (where it saves some boilerplate)
    a) Makes test scripts more natural and straightforward to write.
    b) Reduces the number of variables that we are testing, ie.
       ensuring that --repo path handling is working correctly at all times.
[Haddock some of Darcs.Patch.Choices.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090919200319
 Ignore-this: 1f8bb5b1bd0af5428db5229aa889518a
[Move some core-specific modules into Darcs.Patch in cabal file.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090812145908
 Ignore-this: 553684a52f09658f9772e959932b58e9
[Move OldDate module to Darcs.Patch.OldDate.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090812145810
 Ignore-this: 6caaa480c4f69809c82d681de505f59e
[Move RegChars module to Darcs.Patch.RegChars.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090812122940
 Ignore-this: a919cf75cfe1cabf39637283973b3cc
 We should discourage changes to this module as it affects how token-replace
 patches are interpreted.
[Camel-case fileExists exported by Darcs.Commands.Record.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090917080506
 Ignore-this: 4fb232312e43564d8eac905ae28e0c8c
[Camel-case getLog and getDate exported by Darcs.Commands.Record.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090917080436
 Ignore-this: 1d712c44fadaf6389f99de033a14e910
[Remove old LWN quote from homepage.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090826132645
 Ignore-this: 3a50f376884439e1af24729743eae4a5
[Rewrite "darcs show repo" help.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090920071721
 Ignore-this: f3d548bde2ccb324259f0e2ddb471856
[Remove an obsolete remark from TeX.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090920063813
 Ignore-this: 3d0f49f2648411fad57935c31cc83097
[Remove duplicated documentation.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090914033822
 Ignore-this: c53923d7aa40d455076571e2c7a390fb
[Fix "make website".
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090920061654
 Ignore-this: fed73b55c61c0c558440d254152c5407
 Updates to command_help docstrings weren't triggering a rebuild of the
 user manual (which includes them).
[Include missing .tex files in the cabal source tarball.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090920154941
 Ignore-this: f0cdd39148648f463f172af7385a8d85
[Distribute GNUmakefile in the cabal tarball (for manual building).
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090920154512
 Ignore-this: 3b5743d657574f25da80641ce0e437e3
[There's no longer a bugs/ directory, so remove from .cabal.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090919143854
 Ignore-this: 4ad612ab6d23c2b65ae21e873157d0a5
[Remove the no-longer-existing darcs.cgi bits from cabal file.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090919143808
 Ignore-this: 376ec57dfa6030b00b410876550a9bf4
[Update website to link to 2.3.1 tarball
Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090920185811
 Ignore-this: 66fe324d61e0201c02c8b5b6db03d1a9
[TAG 2.3.1
Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090920174331
 Ignore-this: a5da37b9925e1dfe3e81f0b67183ef1f
[Bump version number to 2.3.1
Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090920171029
 Ignore-this: 22ca8c5b214026f65dad9af3ea01acef
[Update NEWS
Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090920171001
 Ignore-this: 98380e4fbcf2d95e2fb40ffa193e9c44
[Typo: stray ++'s.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090920094341
 Ignore-this: 2190f12fbce91aa5cb0490d725f8e2b3
[Typo: unescaped quotes within a string.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090920093803
 Ignore-this: 2d830ec549956cab19432eecf83d5770
[Rewrite "darcs changes" help.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090830035455
 Ignore-this: acb923d64b290e82bb00ee7b0cc49c1e
 Unlike earlier work, this aims to just make the literate documentation
 visible via "darcs help".  Improving the readability and coverage will
 have to wait for a later patch.
[Resolve issue1478: document summary mnemonics.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090830091043
 Ignore-this: 4fa8a0519907501959546914db4bca46
 Ref. Darcs.Patch.Viewing.summChunkToLine.
[add canonization function for FL Prim
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090919004011
 Ignore-this: 981d7f6a10c7800cabbe96a046a3b76e
[add substitution mechanism for PatchChoices
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090803055723
 Ignore-this: ad61b387b18796c770e70a5b4673269a
[camelCase recently added functions
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090919105112
 Ignore-this: b2eeda02acabdcaed819c19f18bbddc3
[Add utility code for editing text
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090728174051
 Ignore-this: c29b0eed3a5f88aded98a572291b3c5f
[break out and export run_editor utility function
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090728173756
 Ignore-this: 27f7117cf6e431dc7c8bf2aee6bfcd03
[add "parallel pairs"
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090727175847] 
[Resolve issue1582: bump required hashed-storage version to 0.3.8, to fix Windows-related file deletion errors.
Salvatore Insalaco <kirby81 at gmail.com>**20090917143147
 Ignore-this: b1eeabe45cb05b1c7db54b58054dffd8
[change the type of gcau to reflect its behaviour
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090909193221
 Ignore-this: 5c6b665759572262c0bae0b4b1da20f4
 Previously it returned RL (RL ...) but the outer RL was always singleton.
 Changing this to RL ... simplifies a lot of client code that was just assuming
 this behaviour by doing things like taking the head.
[make type of checkUnrelatedRepos more general
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090908210652
 Ignore-this: 8f2559da573ea899cef219e67dd5229a
 There's no reason why two repos we are comparing for relatedness should have
 the same ending context.
[resolve issue1300: logfile deleted on unsucessful record
Kamil Dworakowski <kamil at dworakowski.name>**20090917080320
 Ignore-this: ead95914b26e0df6a79450a1d955abe3
 Don't honour --delete-logfile when the record fails for any reason, a test
 failure for instance.
 I have changed the definition of get_log not to delete the logfile, but to
 return it for deferred deletion. I capitalized on the fact that get_log
 was already returning (Just temp_logfile) for deferred deletion.
 get_log is an exported name, used in AmendRecord, Tag and Rollback. Some
 of them ignore the logfile to delete, though none of them accept
 --delete-logfile flag, and thus they don't need to change, nor are they
 affected in any way.
 Unintended side effect of the change: with --delete-logfile flag present, a
 massage '"Logfile left in " ++ filepath' gets printed in case of the test
 failure on record. This may actually be desirable so I did not bother to
 change it.
[modify issue1300 test to fail for the right reason
Kamil Dworakowski <kamil at dworakowski.name>**20090915090307
 Ignore-this: daae62898293f2871023f52d25a8eb4f
[Accept issue1610: bug in get_extra with darcs 1 semantics only.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090916203310
 Ignore-this: 472377371656bce68cb9404db284fa71
 I accidentally stumbled upon this trying to write the issue1609 test.
[Accept issue1609: Operational Transformations TP2 on conflict marking.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090916214446
 Ignore-this: c1ac116a3371e8b7ed2813d4d3e78156
[relicense Darcs.Commands.GZCRCs as BSD3
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090915200307
 Ignore-this: 687099f40110c6cea2773bc96b89300d
[Fix a (somewhat bogus) unused-module warning in Ssh.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090916115545
 Ignore-this: fbc1f9268080c7d8b4bcefee0d5827c6
[Re-implement haskell_policy in terms of hlint.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090807065736
 Ignore-this: 15fbaf506ae0569d904c1ed2543abc30
 This also comes with a change to the ratification mechanism, which now uses a
 separate Ratified module, from which you have to import the unsafe
 functions. Requires a recent hlint.
[test that tentative leftover is cleared
Kamil Dworakowski <kamil at dworakowski.name>**20090913221009
 Ignore-this: 47ec5121156f4a0c7adc9d7f2f0e18d7
[extend issue1406 test
Kamil Dworakowski <kamil at dworakowski.name>**20090913213152
 Ignore-this: e720fa9858a5b1e8b767ba009d4d1d9
 extend with checkpoint modification checking
[regression test for amend-record with failed test
Kamil Dworakowski <kamil at dworakowski.name>**20090913213000
 Ignore-this: de5fd196a07fb831185b8d42439b80c
 This test is guarding against a defect I have almost introduced as part of
 fixing issue 1406. As noticed by Petr, for old-fashioned repositories the
 patches are written to files with names derived from the patch info that
 does not change with commutation. If invontory is updated tentatively but
 the actual patches not, than they can get out of sync and repository is
 broken. This test is one example scenario.
[Fix locale switching in emailformat.sh test
Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090906172308
 Ignore-this: b715f81d2f7d9e18c4ba55cafdf03c4
[Remove home-grown UTF-8 decoder, use utf8-string instead
Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090823191033
 Ignore-this: 45f5d3e2d3efceba542a15b4905c7017
[Fix a typo L?szl? reported months ago.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090913052903
 Ignore-this: ad628a3885ae87357c6ead5c22604b55
[Improve performance of clean_hashed (by a factor of ~n/logn).
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090811105205
 Ignore-this: 99857732fd41d031eca4df44e47d23ee
 On the scale of 50k files + 50k garbage, clean_hashes was basically useless
 (before: gave up waiting after 20 minutes, after: 35 seconds). (This happens
 when running darcs optimize --pristine on a 50k-big repository.)
[Split tags/TAGS target.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090911204436
 Ignore-this: 84eb9b006aaed82bfd94be59b001cbee
 The previous combined target does not appear to generate tag files that
 vim can recognise.
[Test for issue1224
Thorkil Naur <naur at post11.tele.dk>**20090911170850
 Attempting to "darcs convert" a repository which is already in darcs2 format
 leads to a converted repository with missing file contents. This patch
 provides a test that reproduces this behaviour.
[Accept issue1300: --delete-file should only delete if test succeeds.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090907112620
 Ignore-this: 5a62e769b72808c9827675b2de2e6dae
[Accept issue1332: darcs add -r seems to ignore --boring.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090907110432
 Ignore-this: e154f5d8fb9e196a87c499c94cb33309
[Test for issue942.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090907105201
 Ignore-this: 2fa9be77fc31cc4958970fc09a88027f
 It appears to have been resolved by:
 Thu Oct 30 18:55:08 CET 2008  David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>
   * make default be to --run-posthook and --run-prehook
[Test for issue142.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090904173849
 Ignore-this: 29fe1f32341d62b2582b601ca699e8a9
[Subsections for posthooks and prehooks.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090902072253
 Ignore-this: 85402c1fd51c99cb45e20eb0442abf53
[Remove darcs.cgi contrib script.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090909192413
 Ignore-this: 919bf120a9cf0256036598309a44b5e3
 Will Glozer can no longer maintain it.
[More descriptive name for issue1488 test.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090909192238
 Ignore-this: 6bc0dddf87b12f0b269110ae5d29796d
[Accept issue1488: a 'fromJust error' in 'darcs whatsnew -l'
Marnix Klooster <marnix.klooster at gmail.com>**20090909180046
 Ignore-this: d064a42a78efef5c327d41e425a6fefc
[Make the ./tests/issue1465_ortryrunning.sh a little more foolproof.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090909144349
 Ignore-this: 2e0f7370f2e53e3c104e68a9c5aeeafe
[Skip the time-stamps test on windows.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090909142844
 Ignore-this: 72b0bc3d549cab38bceda55113334dd
[make an assumption in the pull code explicit
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090908214917
 Ignore-this: c573c45fb13012ebd28022f44508d6c8
 It seems like get_common_and_uncommon always returns a singleton list,
 which is then relied on later. This patch makes that assumption explicit,
 by erroring out if it's not true.
[Print expansions of simple commands in testsuite output.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090907072337
 Ignore-this: d78e78a155da6f30ebcc592780cfd699
 This helps with debugging failures, since we see the exact command that was
 executed, after all shell expansion has been done. Moreover, we see exactly
 which command failed -- the existing -v will eg. print a whole "if" statement
 with body and it cannot be discerned which branch was taken or which command
 exactly has failed.
[Use the correct slash in push-formerly-pl.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090906131345
 Ignore-this: b2fe686adcdccbcaf58ca839c19634c9
 This is usually not required, but in this particular case, the bad slash
 confuses darcs path comparison (it keeps around the mixed slashes in one of the
 paths, but has backslashes-only in the other one and wrongly concludes that the
 paths are different).
[Exit 200 in abort_windows to indicate the skip to the harness.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090906131236
 Ignore-this: 18c60417b1c986eebbfddba896738ddb
[Add a simple testcase for the --external-merge option.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090806063953
 Ignore-this: e848f9b8d5d926fbcc05064d85c49316
[Add a rudimentary release script.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090906154343
 Ignore-this: 7ace3f8e435b04258b270dcd094b9f13
 This should automate most of the boring and (more importantly) error-prone work
 that needs to be done upon a darcs release. Work in progress.
[Avoid relying on /dev/stdin in tests/emailformat.sh.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090903115749
 Ignore-this: 43b85a6dd1fcefeb7fd32628a5311a8c
[More extensive haddocks on Darcs.Patch.Depends.get_extra.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090905222525
 Ignore-this: c8e2ac70e5f61ea12afc479636d9e0cd
[specify CPP globally for witnesses build
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090829061922] 
[missing LANGUAGE in Darcs.ProgressPatches
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090829061256] 
[missing LANGUAGE in Darcs.Commands.Unrevert
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090829061208] 
[remove some derived classes from Tag
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090727060203
 Ignore-this: 933bd408aff78744925ec2e6cb2475ce
 This helps to make the representation more abstract
[couple of GADT build fixes for recent GHCs
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090803050514
 Ignore-this: 6c20e60426da722d0119e00be4eb6816
[add a comment
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090803055736
 Ignore-this: aad4e733fede7c8abe552893159e0fef
[minor clean up in TouchesFiles
Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com>**20090830080712
 Ignore-this: dd23aa84c47234c72f14948981214960
[silence a warning that happens when compiling witnesses
Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com>**20090830022548
 Ignore-this: 58f61bce80505de12ede5095d209b577
[remove unused argument to readPrim
Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com>**20090830022354
 Ignore-this: df9164c70fa9be8f274bdb8e634956d1
[use gzipFormat instead of GZip to work around deprecation warning.
Jason Dagit <dagit at codersbase.com>**20090830022209
 Ignore-this: a556704bf2c974c10619a8051ebb90b4
[Resolve issue1578: Don't put newlines in the Haskeline prompts.
Judah Jacobson <judah.jacobson at gmail.com>**20090829072733
 Ignore-this: 48a17fb0f45f3aee76aa56361bfd97df
 Haskeline doesn't expect to get control characters in its prompt.
 The fix is to manually print all but the last line of a prompt message
 separately, and then pass the last line as the Haskeline prompt.
 So far we've only seen this cause a problem when mark-conflicts is run in
 the emacs shell (see the issue for more information).
[Whoops, one more obviated line from Darcs.Repository.Checkpoint.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090829070738
 Ignore-this: b9aef33a8b34db9d41f8d0b83025c85b
[Resolve issue1548: show contents requires at least one argument.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090829073643
 Ignore-this: c15286919e827a5e7fdad01c75acccfe
[Add a hidden alias "darcs log" for "darcs changes".
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090829032545
 Ignore-this: 96d8bec96c5bf39387a534fa62a79e28
 Reduces disparity with CVS, svn, hg, git &c, who all use "log".
[Mark issue68 test as failing (and fix issue number).
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090828101717
 Ignore-this: 63c0ba22d171cefe5a0244b4ee57a991
[Resolve issue1373: don't use a broken example.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090828062131
 Ignore-this: 35d59b69c8018f55191486c6a0175c9a
[Reorder paragraphs and minor rewrite of darcs replace --help.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090828041241
 Ignore-this: 72137bca5de55b77173db6758445b4a7
[Remove unused code from Darcs.Repository.Checkpoint.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090828030127
 Ignore-this: 25ab977e5ac0b735ca6ee90aea0349c9
[The record-scaling test still fails.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090828025648
 Ignore-this: 5ca16bd011676b083cdfcd4359f4744a
[Print helpful message in gzcrcs command when visiting other repos
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090827054315
 Ignore-this: a7f997c441f0e246c4d31d827ebc9d2b
[Clean up leftover conflicts from merge with David's test suite work.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090824104840
 Ignore-this: ec4ef00d4c5b4da6e24f008f854da2e8
[Resolve conflicts between David and mainline test suite work.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090815232335
 Ignore-this: 72f386bd5345c344f32ca2db9f5594e3
 Patches involved from David's end:
   * add failing test demonstrating nasty conflict markings.
   * mark check.sh test as passing.
   * mark issue27 test as passing.
   * mark issue 1043 test as passing.
   * mark nfs-failure.sh as passing (even though it might not be fixed).
   * mark dist-v as passing.
   * mark check.sh as failing.
   * clean up and mark as passing the broken-pipe.sh test.
   * mark issue 525 is no longer failing.
   * move bugs into tests/ directory.
 The main patch involved is the 'move bugs into tests/ directory'
 which conflicts with some new bugs we added.  I re-added these
 manually from the mainline branch of darcs along with some bugs
 we added that we later marked as passing.
 I also had to clean up a few tests along the way:
 - check.sh because of conflicts,
 - broken-pipe.sh because of temp dir garbage and
 - record-scaling.sh because of MacOS X incompatiblity
[add failing test demonstrating nasty conflict markings.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20090329022150
 Ignore-this: 17b0df1e2a33e5efccd92f1930850c15fbf12b1e
[mark check.sh test as passing.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20081207192451
 Ignore-this: bb0d26124eb69bb88e981d06caa88206
[mark issue27 test as passing.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20081201170526
 Ignore-this: 49c7b75f79d9bf25610162d079f7dde9
[mark issue 1043 test as passing.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20081119150515
 Ignore-this: 8b46c9feb0680f0ee9b4f95ee93eb580
[mark nfs-failure.sh as passing (even though it might not be fixed).
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20081117160036
 Ignore-this: d13ebd26c2a799668068132f9c4d05bc
[mark dist-v as passing.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20081115221319
 Ignore-this: 6fbea237af32801e7207f25af032f408
[mark check.sh as failing.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20081115220504
 Ignore-this: 812ad08924c9d713646c7adc26d34b75
[clean up and mark as passing the broken-pipe.sh test.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20081115213750
 Ignore-this: db9fb0de61a4099c73e42365047dc9d2
[mark issue 525 is no longer failing.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20081115212158
 Ignore-this: 8398c09d03c2e900251f46c41106d94
[move bugs into tests/ directory.
David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>**20081115205509
 Ignore-this: 6b249e3ba90b455331ba31fee36ef5ad
[Eliminate references to the autotools-based build system.
Taylor R Campbell <campbell at mumble.net>**20090826170519
 Now that the autotools-based build system is gone, various vestiges
 of it can be eliminated.  This patch also eliminates some text in
 src/darcs.tex about the Darcs cgi script in contrib/cgi/, which was
 built using `make install-server' and appears to have no way to be
 built now.  This does not eliminate the script, however.
 The following tests still refer to the old autotools- and make-based
 build system:
 I didn't change them because I don't know what to substitute for them.
 The sendmail options could use some clearer documentation anyway, which
 is outside the scope of this patch.
[update docs for darcs mv to reflect reality
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>**20090827230453
 Ignore-this: 7f5c30b5711b8bbcbec47f6217662b0d
[Mark issue1317 test as failing (and note issue number).
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090824110437
 Ignore-this: bbecb8d3a4e60c3bc96b28b729375b6c
[Regression test for issue1317.
Marco T?lio Gontijo e Silva <marcot at riseup.net>**20090811220616
 Ignore-this: 846d37873b06a70bed87afeb0fbf2d38
[Explain a slightly obtuse one-liner.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090824033200
 Ignore-this: 8d6ed336b0a2d932eed879fc85183943
[Support tests/failing-foo.sh convention for bugs.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090814103659
 Ignore-this: 4729f6553910660be921af7d1199abb1
[Minor style tweaks in cabal test.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090814102234
 Ignore-this: 9ce3479022f3c177af3c4fa17426b177
[Support command line arguments in PAGER or DARCS_PAGER
joe at elem.com**20090823011449
 Ignore-this: d979af618b5f193b58867e43dd2e0171
 For example:
   PAGER="less -is" darcs help
[Rename xml_summary to xmlSummary and summarize to plainSummary.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090818220119
 Ignore-this: b1e29f45f0599a406ffb6496acac2488
[Cut unused imports in Darcs.Patch.Viewing.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090818214432
 Ignore-this: f83f5ce55279a5b96a14770dbcb7dd0b
[Simpler types for changes --summary.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090818213946
 Ignore-this: 22fdc7984753eedf3d35ff88762a2eb2
[Camel-case some Darcs.Patch.Viewing functions.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090817153751
 Ignore-this: b3b03f3408f1097e5b476a35215ecec6
[A tiny bit more separation of concerns in changes --summary core.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090817230414
 Ignore-this: b9f5e9625862d19c356667dc2ce6710d
[Resolve issue183: Do not sort changes --summary output.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090817225814
 Ignore-this: 2749e08a69592f49bb7e2400ae89e8a6
 This adds move patches to our high-level representation of summary output.
[Refactor changes --summary core code.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090817225735
 Ignore-this: 1078c3bf42fa5e2acef6e6a31c81c42b
 This uses some custom types representing summarised changes on a higher level
 and also moves the XML and 'line' based rendering of summaries into separate
 blocks of code.
[Accept issue1472: "darcs record ./foo" shouldn't open ./bar.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090815084306
 Ignore-this: 23d5392008872369ba9b509b75aeb5bc
 This bug was present in Darcs 2.0, but gone by 2.3.
 Thus, this patch simply adds a regression test.
[Remove tabs from src/Exec.hs
Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090809163015
 Ignore-this: 30952fddf0ae0f60b3af442e90411ca7
[Remove optimize --checkpoint cruft.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090811143734
 Ignore-this: c36c818704171289ff388cdd539626d5
[darcs.cabal turn on -fwarn-tabs per dupree
gwern0 at gmail.com**20090807013047
 Ignore-this: c7961b5512d2f8392f3484c81ca197e0
[Add script that tricks cabal into installing our build-depends only.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090805152653
 Ignore-this: 6a70f5ff464d26a944b81967606e7af0
[Avoid unescaped hyphens and backslashes in manpage.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090803063335
 Ignore-this: 4db2b484b68590f754d36f4751e93962
 Fixes these bugs:
   W: darcs: manpage-has-errors-from-man darcs.1.gz:
        297: a tab character is not allowed in an escape name
   I: darcs: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign darcs.1.gz (87 times)
[Typo: s/comand/command/.
Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>**20090803042007
 Ignore-this: fcbe6f2cbcb3743872b0431b11dea10c
 Thanks to http://lintian.debian.org/tags/spelling-error-in-binary.html.
[Update hpc.README to use Cabal.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090730190304
 Ignore-this: 7f63751a7daa418ffdca2ca6d20af1b1
[Add a flag for enabling HPC for the darcs library.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090730185959
 Ignore-this: e0246133e84e8547e223f61b67a28066
[Combine the HPC tix files after each test in ShellHarness.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090730185951
 Ignore-this: 577a6e1614aa8c5ff6f25d9df6f81554
 This is done when HPCTIXDIR is set, so presumably we are generating coverage
 report. We need to do this, because otherwise, a full testsuite run produces
 over a gigabyte of tixfiles, even though the combined tix is less than 200K.
[Require haskell zlib, dropping the legacy internal zlib binding.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090722091325
 Ignore-this: 348c1fd005fe19900e4a9706567b4ee0
[Fix link to autoconf tarball.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090723135420
 Ignore-this: cfe87256fbd5af286a00fbb84ca443d0
[Update web page for 2.3.0 release.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090723134705
 Ignore-this: dfa04b99e5c0170448d635bf0e496a66
[Resolve conflict between autoconf removal and version number updates.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090723133543
 Ignore-this: efcf724bf0230243cee1e88502428ccd
[Makefile: fix dependency on no longer existing distclean target.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090722093438
 Ignore-this: d0f8da797e26b0c42a2da76eddd4ed31
[Make utf8-string mandatory.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090721194433
 Ignore-this: cd8a94b3e4e41bb938e82dffbcb27e2d
[Remove UTF8 module completely.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090721194220
 Ignore-this: f4ec3fe853ecbc928a8d3e3c3b9aa07c
 The utf8-string package has been the default for a while.
 Now we're wholly dependent on it.
[Add support for skipping tests (exit 200).
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090720095346
 Ignore-this: 133cb02e8cca03a4678068450cb150a9
[Remove the --checkpoint option from the UI.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090720093634
 Ignore-this: 2fb627cd1e64bbe264fda6e19f0b085b
[Remove the support for writing out new checkpoints.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090720091809
 Ignore-this: 87eb23fe7604ed0abe5c38daafb87a7e
[Remove unused determine_release_state.pl.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090721205227
 Ignore-this: 15331bbb258fbdeb6bd4887c8dabb8ed
[Remove ununsed test/shell_harness.hs.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090721192027
 Ignore-this: 7efbe97744c698beecd4f17a09868467
[Remove autoconf support and cut GNUmakefile to only build manual and tags.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090717160355
 Ignore-this: 8a45c095c566172076adbe6e44b37827
[Slightly refactor the run function in ShellHarness.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090714134205
 Ignore-this: 92c7f05b9c4d6973e95706f23ea27dfc
[Slightly refactor test machinery in Setup.lhs.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090714134119
 Ignore-this: 32206a331658d407d9c0fb3b48405db6
[Use tee in pending_has_conflicts.sh for easier debugging.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090713180404
 Ignore-this: 7b96b7f7df6358ddb0466cfe58803f71
[Roll back the getSymbolicLinkStatus workaround, since it constitutes a fd leak.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090710143149
 Ignore-this: cd2aa7e13cc902852a7c5d0855d55538
 rolling back:
 Sun Jun 21 17:39:42 CEST 2009  Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>
   * Avoid getSymbolicLinkStatus in mmap implementation, works around GHC 6.8.2 bug.
[Note darcs 2.3 pre-release and darcs 2.2 stable versions in website.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090716133323
 Ignore-this: bbe9c36213a07890816b8599f2f29aee
[Remove website automation from Makefile.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090716133230
 Ignore-this: f0cdb9afaa9d314321b345a08e2784bf
[Rename index.html.in to index.html, forgoing website automation.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090716133023
 Ignore-this: a4c62db2d3ca341e95262cd05328473f
 The website automation allowed us to avoid duplication of information (ie.
 version numbers), but we're in the process of changing our build and
 release system, which breaks the site.  For now, we go for simplicity and
 robustness, perhaps restoring the automation in the future when things
 have settled down somewhat.
[Remove bytestring flag from darcs.cabal.
Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net>**20090714165021
 Ignore-this: 4325773231f9679054c7d045657bdae0
 Now that we're requiring GHC 6.8 or above, we always use the external bytestring
[Move email unit tests to Darcs.Test module space
Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090629203409
 Ignore-this: 3187d24822e7a125a46e0a273956d792
[Teach cabal about new Darcs.Test modules
Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090629193208
 Ignore-this: c27c8398fd637e100259fdf1f4d42e0a
[Move unit tests to Darcs.Test module space
Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090629192934
 Ignore-this: e88d9ecb7ca8f0b5679fba2cd2813ff0
[Bound size of trees generated in Darcs.Patch.QuickCheck
Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090628134952
 Ignore-this: c499b850ad5ca15d4bada56b69ee98f3
 This keeps the 'Checking that tree flattenings are consistent' test from
 occasionally taking hours and hours to complete. The maximum depth of 5 was
 found by experiment.
[Add some comments in Darcs.Patch.QuickCheck
Reinier Lamers <tux_rocker at reinier.de>**20090628134908
 Ignore-this: c66a386865832e75427f99febfb91a91
[Avoid getSymbolicLinkStatus in mmap implementation, works around GHC 6.8.2 bug.
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090621153942
 Ignore-this: 91092453d97c87edfc4e46b11e4ae208
[TAG 2.3.0
Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>**20090723115125
 Ignore-this: e326d4ddff92c578e8fe8a3c23d00193
Patch bundle hash:

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