[darcs-users] [patch16] Bump the hashed-storage dependency to >=... (and 1 more)

Petr Ročkai me at mornfall.net
Tue Oct 27 18:29:38 UTC 2009

New submission from Petr Ročkai <me at mornfall.net>:

[Re-send to get picked up by the patch tracker.]


this is a "good to go" (pending review) patch for the whatsnew --look-for-adds
performance problem. The reviewer may want to check out the related
hashed-storage changes, pasted as a unified diff below.


Sun Oct 25 15:35:07 CET 2009  Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>
  * Bump the hashed-storage dependency to >= 0.4.1.

Sun Oct 25 15:35:36 CET 2009  Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>
  * A vastly more efficient implementation of LookForAdds.

## The related hashed-storage diff follows, for reviewer's convenience.

Sun Oct 25 15:27:32 CET 2009  Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>
  * More sophisticated QC for overlay.
Sun Oct 25 15:11:41 CET 2009  Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>
  * Improve the shape comparison operators in Test.
Sun Oct 25 14:53:30 CET 2009  Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>
  * Document and somewhat re-formulate overlay (in Tree).
Sun Oct 25 14:50:25 CET 2009  Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>
  * Implement basic QC for Tree overlay.
Tue Oct 20 17:12:37 CEST 2009  Petr Rockai <me at mornfall.net>
  * Implement a rudimentary "overlay" Tree operation.
diff -rN -u -p old-hashed-storage/Storage/Hashed/Test.hs new-hashed-storage/Storage/Hashed/Test.hs
--- old-hashed-storage/Storage/Hashed/Test.hs	2009-10-25 15:41:04.000000000 +0100
+++ new-hashed-storage/Storage/Hashed/Test.hs	2009-10-25 15:41:04.000000000 +0100
@@ -173,13 +173,15 @@ tree = [ testCase "modifyTree" check_mod
        , testCase "expandPath" check_expand_path
        , testCase "diffTrees" check_diffTrees
        , testCase "diffTrees identical" check_diffTrees_ident
-       , testProperty "treeEq" prop_tree_eq
-       , testProperty "deepTreeEq" prop_deep_tree_eq
+       , testProperty "shapeEq" prop_shape_eq
+       , testProperty "expandedShapeEq" prop_expanded_shape_eq
        , testProperty "expand is identity" prop_expand_id
        , testProperty "filter True is identity" prop_filter_id
        , testProperty "filter False is empty" prop_filter_empty
        , testProperty "restrict both ways keeps shape" prop_restrict_shape_commutative
-       , testProperty "restrict is a subtree of both" prop_restrict_subtree ]
+       , testProperty "restrict is a subtree of both" prop_restrict_subtree
+       , testProperty "overlay keeps shape" prop_overlay_shape
+       , testProperty "overlay is superset of over" prop_overlay_super ]
     where blob x = File $ Blob (return (BL.pack x)) (sha256 $ BL.pack x)
           name = Name . BS.pack
           check_modify =
@@ -261,8 +263,8 @@ tree = [ testCase "modifyTree" check_mod
                     (working', pristine') <- diffTrees working pristine
                     let foo_work = findFile working' (floatPath "foo_dir/foo_a")
                         foo_pris = findFile pristine' (floatPath "foo_dir/foo_a")
-                    working' `treeEq` pristine'
-                             @? show working' ++ " `treeEq` " ++ show pristine'
+                    working' `shapeEq` pristine'
+                             @? show working' ++ " `shapeEq` " ++ show pristine'
                     assertBool "foo_dir/foo_a is in working'" $ isJust foo_work
                     assertBool "foo_dir/foo_a is in pristine'" $ isJust foo_pris
                     foo_work_c <- readBlob (fromJust foo_work)
@@ -278,27 +280,34 @@ tree = [ testCase "modifyTree" check_mod
             assertBool "t1 is empty" $ null (list t1)
             assertBool "t2 is empty" $ null (list t2)
-          prop_tree_eq x = no_stubs x ==> x `treeEq` x
+          prop_shape_eq x = no_stubs x ==> x `shapeEq` x
               where types = x :: Tree Identity
-          prop_deep_tree_eq x = runIdentity $ deepTreeEq x x
+          prop_expanded_shape_eq x = runIdentity $ expandedShapeEq x x
               where types = x :: Tree Identity
-          prop_expand_id x = no_stubs x ==> runIdentity (expand x) `treeEq` x
+          prop_expand_id x = no_stubs x ==> runIdentity (expand x) `shapeEq` x
               where types = x :: Tree Identity
-          prop_filter_id x = runIdentity $ deepTreeEq x $ filter (\_ _ -> True) x
+          prop_filter_id x = runIdentity $ expandedShapeEq x $ filter (\_ _ -> True) x
               where types = x :: Tree Identity
-          prop_filter_empty x = runIdentity $ deepTreeEq emptyTree $ filter (\_ _ -> False) x
+          prop_filter_empty x = runIdentity $ expandedShapeEq emptyTree $ filter (\_ _ -> False) x
               where types = x :: Tree Identity
           prop_restrict_shape_commutative (t1, t2) =
-              no_stubs t1 && no_stubs t2 && not (restrict t1 t2 `treeEq` emptyTree) ==>
-                  restrict t1 t2 `treeEq` restrict t2 t1
+              no_stubs t1 && no_stubs t2 && not (restrict t1 t2 `shapeEq` emptyTree) ==>
+                  restrict t1 t2 `shapeEq` restrict t2 t1
               where types = (t1 :: Tree Identity, t2 :: Tree Identity)
           prop_restrict_subtree (t1, t2) =
-              no_stubs t1 && not (restrict t1 t2 `treeEq` emptyTree) ==>
+              no_stubs t1 && not (restrict t1 t2 `shapeEq` emptyTree) ==>
                   let restricted = S.fromList (map fst $ list $ restrict t1 t2)
                       orig1 = S.fromList (map fst $ list t1)
                       orig2 = S.fromList (map fst $ list t2)
                    in and [restricted `S.isSubsetOf` orig1, restricted `S.isSubsetOf` orig2]
               where types = (t1 :: Tree Identity, t2 :: Tree Identity)
+          prop_overlay_shape (t1 :: Tree Identity, t2) =
+              (Just LT == runIdentity (t2 `cmpExpandedShape` t1)) ==>
+              runIdentity $ (t1 `overlay` t2) `expandedShapeEq` t1
+          prop_overlay_super (t1 :: Tree Identity, t2) =
+              (Just LT == runIdentity (t2 `cmpExpandedShape` t1)) ==>
+              Just EQ == (runIdentity $ restrict t2 (t1 `overlay` t2) `cmpTree` t2)
 packed = [ testCase "loose pristine tree" check_loose
          , testCase "load" check_load
@@ -514,18 +523,38 @@ instance Show (Int -> Int) where
 -- Test utilities
-treeItemEq (File _) (File _) = True
-treeItemEq (SubTree s) (SubTree p) = s `treeEq` p
-treeItemEq _ _ = False
-treeEq t r = and $ zipTrees cmp t r
-    where cmp _ (Just a) (Just b) = a `treeItemEq` b
-          cmp _ _ _ = False
-deepTreeEq :: (Monad m) => Tree m -> Tree m -> m Bool
-deepTreeEq a b = do x <- expand a
-                    y <- expand b
-                    return $ x `treeEq` y
+shapeEq a b = Just EQ == cmpShape a b
+expandedShapeEq a b = (Just EQ ==) <$> cmpExpandedShape a b
+cmpcat (x:y:rest) | x == y = cmpcat (x:rest)
+                  | x == Just EQ = cmpcat (y:rest)
+                  | y == Just EQ = cmpcat (x:rest)
+                  | otherwise = Nothing
+cmpcat [x] = x
+cmpcat [] = Just EQ -- empty things are equal
+cmpTree a b = do a' <- expand a
+                 b' <- expand b
+                 con <- contentsEq a' b'
+                 return $ cmpcat [cmpShape a' b', con]
+    where contentsEq a b = cmpcat <$> sequence (zipTrees cmp a b)
+          cmp _ (Just (File a)) (Just (File b)) = do a' <- readBlob a
+                                                     b' <- readBlob b
+                                                     return $ Just (compare a' b')
+          cmp _ _ _ = return (Just EQ) -- neutral
+cmpShape t r = cmpcat $ zipTrees cmp t r
+    where cmp _ (Just a) (Just b) = a `item` b
+          cmp _ Nothing (Just _) = Just LT
+          cmp _ (Just _) Nothing = Just GT
+          item (File _) (File _) = Just EQ
+          item (SubTree s) (SubTree p) = s `cmpShape` p
+          item _ _ = Nothing
+cmpExpandedShape :: (Monad m) => Tree m -> Tree m -> m (Maybe Ordering)
+cmpExpandedShape a b = do x <- expand a
+                          y <- expand b
+                          return $ x `cmpShape` y
 nondarcs (AnchoredPath (Name x:_)) _ | x == BS.pack "_darcs" = False
                                      | otherwise = True
diff -rN -u -p old-hashed-storage/Storage/Hashed/Tree.hs new-hashed-storage/Storage/Hashed/Tree.hs
--- old-hashed-storage/Storage/Hashed/Tree.hs	2009-10-25 15:41:04.000000000 +0100
+++ new-hashed-storage/Storage/Hashed/Tree.hs	2009-10-25 15:41:04.000000000 +0100
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Storage.Hashed.Tree
     , FilterTree(..), filter, restrict
     -- * Manipulating trees.
-    , modifyTree, updateTree, updateSubtrees ) where
+    , modifyTree, updateTree, updateSubtrees, overlay ) where
 import Prelude hiding( lookup, filter, all )
 import Storage.Hashed.AnchoredPath
@@ -379,3 +379,25 @@ updateTree fun t = do
     return t
   where update (k, SubTree tree) = (\new -> (k, SubTree new)) <$> updateTree fun tree
         update (k, item) = (\new -> (k, new)) <$> fun item
+-- | Lay one tree over another. The resulting Tree will look like the base (1st
+-- parameter) Tree, although any items also present in the overlay Tree will be
+-- taken from the overlay. It is not allowed to overlay a different kind of an
+-- object, nor it is allowed for the overlay to add new objects to base.  This
+-- means that the overlay Tree should be a subset of the base Tree (although
+-- any extraneous items will be ignored by the implementation).
+overlay :: (Functor m, Monad m) => Tree m -> Tree m -> Tree m
+overlay base over = Tree { items = M.fromList immediate
+                         , listImmediate = immediate
+                         , treeHash = NoHash }
+    where immediate = [ (n, get n) | (n, _) <- listImmediate base ]
+          get n = case (M.lookup n $ items base, M.lookup n $ items over) of
+                    (Just (File _), Just f@(File _)) -> f
+                    (Just (SubTree b), Just (SubTree o)) -> SubTree $ overlay b o
+                    (Just (Stub b _), Just (SubTree o)) -> Stub (flip overlay o `fmap` b) NoHash
+                    (Just (SubTree b), Just (Stub o _)) -> Stub (overlay b `fmap` o) NoHash
+                    (Just (Stub b _), Just (Stub o _)) -> Stub (do o' <- o
+                                                                   b' <- b
+                                                                   return $ overlay b' o') NoHash
+                    (Just x, _) -> x
+                    (_, _) -> error $ "Unexpected case in overlay at get " ++ show n ++ "."

## END of hashed-storage diff

files: bump-the-hashed_storage-dependency-to-__-0_4_1_.dpatch, unnamed
messages: 9066
status: needs-review
title: Bump the hashed-storage dependency to >=... (and 1 more)

Darcs bug tracker <bugs at darcs.net>
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