[darcs-users] darcs patch: Simplify and camel-case setSimplys. (and 4 more)

Eric Kow kowey at darcs.net
Wed Sep 23 06:45:32 UTC 2009

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 23:29:11 +0100, Kamil Dworakowski wrote:
> +--   * Any patches found to depend on an earlier @InMiddle@ patch are
> marked with
> +--     'negTag'.
> +--     Question (Eric Kow): why?

Hmm, following your lead I found that negTag was recently introduced by
Ganesh (earlier we were just doing '-t'), and I think he said something
to that effect but I must not have understood.

Also the -1 was later changed to a -t in

 Sat Nov 27 20:06:22 CET 2004  Ian Lynagh <igloo at earth.li>
   * Use patch tags for patch selection


    hunk ./PatchChoices.lhs 131
    -    Just (p2,e') -> case commute (p2,p) of
    -                    Just (p',p2') -> Just (p2',((p',Nothing,n):e'))
    -                    Nothing -> Just (p,((p2,Just True,-1):e'))
    +    Just (TP t2 p2,e') ->
    +        case commute (p2,p) of
    +        Just (p',p2') -> Just (TP t2 p2',(PC (TP t p') Nothing:e'))
    +        Nothing -> Just (tp, PC (TP (-t2) p2) (Just True):e')

Ian, I don't suppose you'd remember why five years ago you flipped the
-1 to a -t2?

(The reason may lie elsewhere in your patch but I thought it'd be easier
to ask you).

> This patch is much easier to understand than the current code. You can
> see that this -1
> is meaningless by analyzing the mode of usage of pull_first and pull_firsts.

OK, I'll have a look.

Nice detective work.

Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
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