[darcs-users] [patch335] Resolve issue1908: try to create a global cache before...

Eric Kow kowey at darcs.net
Mon Aug 9 08:10:56 UTC 2010

On Sun, Aug 08, 2010 at 19:08:23 -0400, Max Battcher wrote:
> What do you mean by a team cache? Would that be a cache that you add
> to _darcs/prefs/sources for repositories that belong to the same
> "team" project(s)?

I meant to the ~/.darcs/sources but yes.  I was thinking maybe if you
had a small team with their home directories on the same NFS share, and
for some reason interacting with a remote repo, they might like to be
able to pool their patch files.  It's unlikely that this thought would
actually occur to any teams...

> Does --no-cache affect _darcs/prefs/sources–based
> lookups?

As far as I can tell.  The caching system identifies four kinds of
caches (could be worth putting in the high level doc):

 * thisrepo 
 * repo (some other repo)
 * cache
 * readonly

The --no-cache flag has the effect of hiding the latter two
cache types from darcs.

Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
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