[darcs-users] Making use of _darcs/prefs/repos

Max Battcher me at worldmaker.net
Mon Mar 29 18:21:43 UTC 2010

I know that there are issues already in the tracker for this, but I had 
a quick noodle of an idea (tangentially borrowed from a git discussion) 
and wasn't sure which one might be best to attach to, or if I should 
just post as a new one.

Here's the idea, something like:

darcs pull --every-remote-repo

I think that would be an easy place to start to experiment with a UI for 
  better making use of _darcs/prefs/repos, and a foundation from which 
to explore some of the other possibilities. Thing like aliases or an 
interactive chooser API (perhaps using an ``-i -i`` experimental flag 
usage) could be explored under a flag choice like this without 
cluttering currently unadorned darcs calls. Certainly it would also be a 
good place to play with how to make the information reasonably 
informative when interacting with multiple repositories at once ("This 
patch appears in repos x and y but not z.").

(If the usage isn't obvious from the flag choice: darcs would try to 
pull from every remote (non-local) repository in a _darcs/prefs/repos to 
get all "upstream" patches. I imagine this could be quite handy with 
both interactive pulls and possibly even things like ``darcs pull -a 
--every --union``.)

--Max Battcher--

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