[darcs-users] [patch252] Resolve issue1763: use correct filename encoding in co...

Eric Kow bugs at darcs.net
Thu May 27 18:27:06 UTC 2010

Eric Kow <kowey at darcs.net> added the comment:

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 17:48:28 +0000, Petr Ročkai wrote:
> It needs to be emphasised, that the UTF8 step in OldFormat is completely
> superfluous, as the filepath *is never decoded*, so the codepoints are
> completely bogus.

Oh!  Hmm, did I just draw the wrong conclusion from the below?

readFileName :: FileNameFormat -> B.ByteString -> FileName
readFileName OldFormat = ps2fn
readFileName NewFormat = fp2fn . decodeWhite . BC.unpack

ps2fn :: B.ByteString -> FileName
ps2fn ps = FN $ decodeWhite $ unpackPSFromUTF8 ps

I assume (without checking) that this function readFileName is used
when reading patches from disk.  (is that right?)

Also what do you mean when you say Unix?  I hope that's not a dumb
question.  I just hear that on MacOS X you have this thing going on
where filenames are automagically normalised into NFD?  So presumably
somewhere along the way you have some kind of low-level Unicode
awareness as opposed to treating filenames as just sequences of bytes.

Also should we be worrying about what happens with Windows?

Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
PGP Key ID: 08AC04F9

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