[darcs-users] A comment about possible code duplication

Ganesh Sittampalam ganesh at earth.li
Sun Nov 14 15:10:27 UTC 2010

On Sun, 14 Nov 2010, Iago Abal wrote:

> I think movedirfilename will be more readable if the bold code is replaced
> by "name" `isSuperdir` "old". Since some normalization is performed I don't
> know if the use of isSuperdir :: FileName -> FileName -> Bool is the best
> choice, but anyway, I think a where clause "where isSuperdir = ..." will be
> very appreciated when reading movedirfilename.

I'm sure such changes would be an improvement, but similar to our 
discussion on IRC last night, I think this is the kind of low-level 
commute code that hasn't been touched in a long time except to move it 
around and that we would need to be very careful before we do start 
changing it.

Perhaps the right time to change it would be once we've got a test suite 
that we're happy has very good coverage, or when we make a new patch type 



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