[darcs-users] Password prompts not going away

Shin-Cheng Mu scm at iis.sinica.edu.tw
Thu Nov 18 10:23:56 UTC 2010


I believed that I have configured SSH authorized_keys
correctly. For some reason, I still get more than 10
password prompts when I do a darcs pull. Thus I am
seeking for help.

The symptoms are:

1. If I do a "darcs get", I can fetch the files without

2. I can ssh to the server, 
      ssh -l repo <server>
   where <server> is where the repository is stored and 
   repo is the account owning the files of the repository,
   without having to enter any password. It seems to show
   that ssh is working.

3. However, if I do 

     darcs pull repo@<server>:<path>

   I will be given the password prompt, around 10 to 12
   times. It appears that it does not matter what I enter.
   I could just keep pull the latest files.

Does anyone know what might have gone wrong?

This is the configuration:

1. On my server there is an account "repo" specifically
   created for darcs. 

   I have a key pair created with ssh-kengen. I copied the 
   public key into the file ~repo/authorized_keys on the server.

   The file authorized_keys has privilege 600, and the
   directory .ssh has privilege 700.

2. The private key is copied to ~/.ssh/ on the computer I 
   use for work. I have an entry in the file
   ~/ssh/config saying

     Host <server address>
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<name_of_private_key>

   config is in mode 644 and the private key is in mode 600.

3. The repository is stored on the server. All the files
   belong to user "repo".

Thank you very much for any help!


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