[darcs-users] Couldn't fetch when cloning a repository

Alexis Praga alexis.praga at gmail.com
Sat Aug 28 21:03:40 UTC 2021


I'm trying darcs again since a few days and have hit an issue when
cloning a (non-empty) repository hosted on hub.darcs.net.
The error is:
> Done fetching and unpacking basic pack.
> Copying patches, to get lazy repository hit ctrl-C...         
> Exception while getting patches pack:                         
> user error (Couldn't fetch 0000001251-f948ccb7fba745717a321df8692dd42a829f9f74bff78205e20ddcafcc0b61d8
> in subdir patches from sources:
> thisrepo:/usr/home/alex/code/blog
> cache:/home/alex/.cache/darcs
> repo:.
> repo:alexdarcy at hub.darcs.net:blog
> )
> Couldn't fetch 0000001251-f948ccb7fba745717a321df8692dd42a829f9f74bff78205e20ddcafcc0b61d8
> in subdir patches from sources:
> thisrepo:/usr/home/alex/code/blog
> cache:/home/alex/.cache/darcs
> repo:.
> repo:alexdarcy at hub.darcs.net:blog
> By the way, I could not reach the following location:
>   alexdarcy at hub.darcs.net:blog
> Unless you plan to restore access to it, you should delete the corresponding entry from _darcs/prefs/sources.

I managed to get around it by downloading the repository as a zip file,
running 'darcs init' and 'darcs pull'.
After that, cloning works again.

Any idea appreciated, thanks !

Alexis Praga

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