[devops-bootcamp-planning] Planning Meeting

Lance Albertson lance at osuosl.org
Thu Sep 28 17:14:05 UTC 2017


For those of you who are still local in Corvallis, I'd like to see if we
could get together in person within the next week to discuss how what's
needed to get DevOps Bootcamp Fall Kickoff organized as far as content
goes. I wasn't directly involved with the program last year so I don't
recall what content was discussed but I think it was related to this [1]
and perhaps lesson 1 and 2 as well.

What are people's general availability in the coming week? For those that
are remote, we can probably setup a Google Hangout so you don't miss out.

Let me know!

[1] http://devopsbootcamp.osuosl.org/start-here.html

Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab
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